Enemy Scrambles



I was flying on a routine mission to an enemy airbase and on the way there went over two airfields but none scrambled to take on our flight. Is this normal or does the enemy scramble to take on incomming aircraft. Hope this can be fixed. On another note- What an awesome simulation!
It seems to me that most of the airfields you see on the ground are only active at certain times. If you fly low enough and turn on labels, you'll see that usually only a few of the many runways you see get labels.

There's also the strong possibility that all the planes based at the active airfields are already off on some mission, so nobody's home to intercept you.

Personally, I would really hate it if every stinkin' airfield auto-spawned interceptors whenever I flew near. That would be neither realistic nor fun IMHO.
Personally, I would really hate it if every stinkin' airfield auto-spawned interceptors whenever I flew near. That would be neither realistic nor fun IMHO.

Amen. They can save that sort of tosh for Zombie Quake.
I see your point but it would be nice to see aircraft taking off and landing. At least randomly as you approach an enemy base would be nice to see some aircraft scrambling.
In Udet's book "Mein Fliegerleben" ("Ace of the Iron Cross") he wrote, that most German airfields were run after the method of flight schedules.
Only Manfred von Richthofen began early, to change that.
He didn't have patrol flights - they sat near the tanked and mounted planes and waited for the front line calls, reporting intruders. Then his Jasta would run to the planes and scramble. They shot down many flights that way.

But when a flight passes your field, you would have to get airborne and FOLLOW it, instead of approaching it. I don't think, you'd catch up with them for a fight.
I have never seen planes scramble fom an enemy airfield...don't think that would be coded into the sim right now as the flights are set-up by the OFF Manager prior to the start of your mission.

Maybe it could be implemented someday with some programing trickery (a loitering flight at altitude zero and a speed of zero?)

The OFF Team have made old CSF3 do many amazing things never dreamed of. Who knows?

From what I gather reading Rickenbakers memoirs, vectoring interceptors to attack enemy planes did happen (later in the war war?). He mentions ground troops radioing them when an enemy plane crossed the lines and they would take off and try to find it.
there are a bunch of missions in CFS3 that find flights taking off to nail you as you arrive....great fun to gun 'em on the runway....assuming you survive the defenses.....but you're right, never seen it in OFF campaign... ... probably something that has to we hand written, mission specific....but a nice idea anyhow.....be great to be roaring around enemy territory and see the hornet's nest stirred.....think that's already in there, they're just in the air already........
MvR and his boys didn't take off when the enemy was right overhead. They got advanced warning from the troops in the trenches so had enough time to take off, assemble, and climb to combat altitude before meeting the enemy.

I would assume that this probably happens to some extent in OFF. If you meet an enemy fighter flight, how do you know when it took off? You don't. I do know that airplanes on both sides take off while I'm in the air--I've seen them do it.

Only a complete fool tries to take off with the enemy overhead and attacking the airfield. In MMO flightsims, such idiots are sought out with glee because strafing them on the runway is such an easy way to pad your score. This is called "vulching" in MMOFS circles, and you'll often hear "the vulch is on at Airfield X" on the radio, amongst folks cackling as they call out their 6th or 8th kill of the same poor schmuck in as many passes down the runway :).

I would hope, therefore, that the AI has enough smarts NOT to scramble when I'm overhead. Even if I'm not in the mood to vulch them, I'll certainly be long gone before they can climb up to my altitude.

On a similar subject, once I found out the 1st time that scramble missions are you getting to play vulcher fodder, I NEVER play those missions. In real life, the vast majority of pilots had more sense than to attempt to take off under such conditions, and I find it highly annoying that the game wants to treat me like I don't know any better :).
I do know that airplanes on both sides take off while I'm in the air--I've seen them do it.

Thanks for that Bullethead. I always wondered if takeoffs happened.

I just assumed that it wouldn't be possible and that the air activity would slowly reduce the longer your rmission goes on, with less and less planes flying.

Pretty impressive that this is not the case and that takeoffs do occur. Wow!

So many little gems like this in the game. :applause:
talkin bout scramble missions, ive had 2 now but after ive taken off there arent any enemy aircraft in sight. seems to tie in with how quiet the OFF skies are in 1915/16.
Scramble pics

This was the view from my cockpit before taking off

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"It's more than rain, that falls on our parade tonight.
It's more than thunder...it's more than thunder!
And it's more than a bad dream, now that I'm sober.
It's more than woe-begotten grey skies now"
Tom Waits

View attachment 74933

Love this game!
Whenever you see that on a scramble, and you're not flight leader - sit still in your crate and wait, engine running, but don't go until everyone turnfights.
If you're the leader though, you may have to go.
But whenever that happens, you're in for becoming a sieve within seconds.

Above advice would be for P2 though - perhaps they've changed it, and you also get shot up, sitting still? (Haven't had a scramble in BHaH yet).
Yeah, I used to do that (still do, mostly) but I have had them start shooting at me even before I begin my rollout in P3! I've also had them shoot at me when I am down and smoking but just watching the goings-on after a fight! Nothing like AI vulching!
Yeah, I thought they would have changed that.
They made a very intelligent AI for us to bite our teeth out on it. Thank you, Winder! (Come you across my field, man!...Lol!)