Charter Member
One of the worst things about handling CFS3 aircraft on the ground is the ridiculous amount of power required to get them rolling for taxi. You'd think the wheels had sunken into eight inches of mud. I've been playing around lately with the early Spitfire's propeller, trying to get a working two pitch de Havilland prop instead of the constant speed model that they all have right now (promising results so far) and started messing with the low_speed_theory_limit value in the aircraft.cfg. This seems to change the effectiveness of the propeller at low airspeeds (what a thought!). Results so far seem to be that a value of about 8 produces reasonable results with no adverse effects that I have seen so far (almost all the aircraft seem to have that value set at 80). So if you're interested, try out some different values and enjoy a better experience on the ground. As I am doing my testing with a highly modified prop, 8 may not be the ideal value for other aircraft, but it's probably a good place to start.