ERCOUPE 415C just popped up !!!

Curiousity got the best of me. After just one short hop my first impression:

Handles great, there´s a lot of shaking and vibration going on. Don´t know if maybe a bit too much, but it certainly ads some immersion within a merely simulated flight evironment.

Geting back on the ground needs some practice. It does not really feel fast at all, but getting the airspeed down enough to propperly descend seems a bit difficult.

Though I like this aspect visually, the surfaces and especially the outside textures are rather (too) shiny.

Only bug found so far, the tablet for settings pinned to the steering does not seem to fold away when clicked.

All in all I am pleased and really like the ERCO and it´s vintage look. Since knowing about the developer´s reactions and fast improvements of his previous releases I guess anything still lacking with this release version will get propperly adressed and updated.




The developer offers the following explanations within the manual concerning the flightmodel that might be interesting for the potential customer here:

No Rudder Pedals
In this addon you will only see a brake pedal, as this aircraft does not have an independent rudder control. The rudder control is connected to the aileron control. In this addon you will still control the rudder by the rudder axis, however rudder pedals animations has been added to the aileron control.

Limited Elevator Movement
Elevator control on this aircraft is limited as this aircraft is designed to be stall and spin proof. During takeoff, after 50 knots, use full elevator deflection to lift the aircraft off the ground. During landing, maintain the correct speed and avoid sinking the aircraft as it can be difficult to flare the aircraft for landing. Remember to always adjust the elevator trim correctly.

Crosswind Takeoff And Landing
In certain weather conditions, where there is a crosswind, it may be necessary to use the aileron to prevent the aircraft wing from touching the ground.

excerpt from user manual BRSIM Designs Ercoupe 415C (Bruno Reichert)

Meanwhile I got used to it and it´s a joy to fly. Great level of detail on the inside and outside. And as mentioned additional animations of vibrating parts and shaking yoke due to the actual flying situation.





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theres a guy on youtube that flys one out of auburn ca and nevada couty ca. i havent figured that out,he either flys out of auburn and goes to nevada county to meet up with juan (blancolirio) of is out of nc and goes to auburn to get his kid..anyway,hes got an interresting channel and he did a multi part trip to oshkosh this year
I bought it and I'm really impressed. I liked the author's Debonaire, but this is a step up. Flies nice and looks beautiful.
Going to have to get this one next week! I had a close friend (who passed a couple years ago, 1st pic) who had an ERCOUPE 415C for a few years until he passed. Another close friend got a group together at our local airport and formed a club to buy and maintain it. I get to go up in it almost anytime I want. It is a very fun airplane to fly. All the points listed by grunau_baby are correct. And, the shaking/rattling of the control yoke is correct. It is also true that the aircraft "feels" slow in the air.

It´s good to get some first hand experiences to compare with the addon. And even better it seems quite accurate or close to the real thing.

Indeed this one really grew on me with it´s specific flight characteristics though landing still gives me sweaty palms...

Being "spin proof" I tried my best to get it into a spin by staling the aircraft. It simply does not go into a spin, at stall speed the nose just gently drops and the aircraft slowly pics up speed again.

The cockpit irl does not look very spacy:)
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The cockpit is very tight, width wise. Ed, the original owner, was over 6 ft tall, but had no trouble getting in, but once there, it was shoulder to shoulder.

The real one is spin proof, but does stall easily if the nose is held high, and airspeed gets low enough. It just mushes forward, and flies out. Take-off roll seems to take forever, but really isn't that long, but you have to work the yoke to keep the airspeed up. Landing really isn't hard, just don't stay to high on approach. Come in lower than normal, keep the nose high, with a little power, and cut power over the numbers, while holding the nose up. She'll settle right in.

I hope to get this this weekend, then I can compare it to the 1-1. Will post more when I get it. :engel016:
Nice paint, Jankees! I'll have to go look at this one. I flew one about 100 years ago. FUN airplane to fly. I noticed they have a start switch in the mags and a stand alone start button as well. Maybe he can update that in an update. Back to the Marketplace AGAIN!!! I'll check out the mod as well for the control connectivity.

Don BP;)