Erprobungsgruppe 210 11th August 1940


While I am redoing lots of other peoples' missions for the coming BoB update. I thought I would go back to Erprobungsgruppe 210 and the book 'Messerschmitt Bf 110: Bombsights Over England: Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britain' and do some missions for the new update as well. Taking days when there was considerable action, I can do at least 2 missions for the LW and 2 for the RAF all over the same event. This is the first such series for 11th August 1940.

<Overview>You are leading the mission in your Bf109E-4B-JABO A reconnaissance aircrfat has reported a convoy off Felixstowe and Erprobungsgruppe 210 has been detailed to attack it. There will be 15 Bf110c-4s, 109E-4B 'jabos' of 3./Erpr.Gr.210, and four 1st Staffel Bf-110C-6 Zerstorers. You will meet your escort of Bf-110C-4 Zerstorers from ZG 26 over Gravelines at 500m. and the complete formation will head North-West to seek out the convoy.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A reconnaissance flight reported back earlier this morning of a convoy with an indeterminate number of ships sailing South-West about 8 kM. of the coast near Felixstowe.</Intelligence>


<Overview>Fighter control indicate there is some activity building up off Gravelines and maybe heading for a convot spotted by a German reconnassence flight earlier this morning. The convoy is heading South West towards the Thames and is now somewhere off Felixstowe. get airbourne and head in that direction, Trade should be coming your way!.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A GHerman reconnaissance flight was reported by the convoy earlier this morning. The germans probably won't miss the chance to attack it.</Intelligence>

Spelling mistake will be corrected!:biggrin-new:
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Having taken off in my ErprGr210 Bf109E-4B-'jabo', 'Yellow 1 (Actually not the correct ac as waiting on Rob!), I have joined the Bf-110C-4B Zerstorer 'jabos' and Bf-110C-6 Zerstorers of other Erprobungsgruppe 210 stafflen.


Ah! Das ist gut! The convoy is where the reconnaissance aircraft said it was! Time to release my bomb on one!

Sounds and looks fantastic!

Only suggestions would be to add the 'b' sub-type to any 110s that are jabos, and for the RAF, 'head in that direction' is a bit unmilitary - suggest something like 'Patrol Convoy Booty, now X miles east of Folkestone, at Angels Fifteen' or 'Vector 090 [or whatever the bearing on the TAC & briefing map will be], make Angels Fifteen and patrol Convoy Booty'
Well I got rid of that bomb just in time as the enemy has arrived and time to help defend the 110's! having a go round with a Hurricane!



Well I got in a few shots and distracted some of the Hurris from my kameraden and then it was getting a bit hot there so I decided to head home on the deck and live to fight another day.
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Next I am in my Bf-110C-4B Zerstorer 'jabo' with 2 stafflen plus some C6's; not that they seem much use!


We follow the 109's onto the British convoy and I release my 250Kg bombs. Success!


Now time to get out of there!
Scheisse! No such luck. It seesm a couple of Hurris are on my tail and no kamarden around! Taking a few hits. Time to circle on myself!


This maneuver at least gives my rear gunner a chance as he gets the nearest Hurri several times.



Now my staffel or someones seem to have arrived and distracted the Hurricane's attention!

Well it seems quite a few nice Jerry bombers here; Do17 if I'm not mistaken.



Well got that one anyway!


After that trade seemed to have disappeared! Tried to go after a few heading home but couldn't catch up with then in time!
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There is a Spitfire mission as well but I will leave Spitfires til the 12th August mission against Manston.