While I am redoing lots of other peoples' missions for the coming BoB update. I thought I would go back to Erprobungsgruppe 210 and the book 'Messerschmitt Bf 110: Bombsights Over England: Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britain' and do some missions for the new update as well. Taking days when there was considerable action, I can do at least 2 missions for the LW and 2 for the RAF all over the same event. This is the first such series for 11th August 1940.
<Overview>You are leading the mission in your Bf109E-4B-JABO A reconnaissance aircrfat has reported a convoy off Felixstowe and Erprobungsgruppe 210 has been detailed to attack it. There will be 15 Bf110c-4s, 109E-4B 'jabos' of 3./Erpr.Gr.210, and four 1st Staffel Bf-110C-6 Zerstorers. You will meet your escort of Bf-110C-4 Zerstorers from ZG 26 over Gravelines at 500m. and the complete formation will head North-West to seek out the convoy.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A reconnaissance flight reported back earlier this morning of a convoy with an indeterminate number of ships sailing South-West about 8 kM. of the coast near Felixstowe.</Intelligence>
<Overview>Fighter control indicate there is some activity building up off Gravelines and maybe heading for a convot spotted by a German reconnassence flight earlier this morning. The convoy is heading South West towards the Thames and is now somewhere off Felixstowe. get airbourne and head in that direction, Trade should be coming your way!.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A GHerman reconnaissance flight was reported by the convoy earlier this morning. The germans probably won't miss the chance to attack it.</Intelligence>
Spelling mistake will be corrected!
<Overview>You are leading the mission in your Bf109E-4B-JABO A reconnaissance aircrfat has reported a convoy off Felixstowe and Erprobungsgruppe 210 has been detailed to attack it. There will be 15 Bf110c-4s, 109E-4B 'jabos' of 3./Erpr.Gr.210, and four 1st Staffel Bf-110C-6 Zerstorers. You will meet your escort of Bf-110C-4 Zerstorers from ZG 26 over Gravelines at 500m. and the complete formation will head North-West to seek out the convoy.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A reconnaissance flight reported back earlier this morning of a convoy with an indeterminate number of ships sailing South-West about 8 kM. of the coast near Felixstowe.</Intelligence>
<Overview>Fighter control indicate there is some activity building up off Gravelines and maybe heading for a convot spotted by a German reconnassence flight earlier this morning. The convoy is heading South West towards the Thames and is now somewhere off Felixstowe. get airbourne and head in that direction, Trade should be coming your way!.</Overview>
<Intelligence>A GHerman reconnaissance flight was reported by the convoy earlier this morning. The germans probably won't miss the chance to attack it.</Intelligence>
Spelling mistake will be corrected!

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