error 480


Off Watch

I will get 2 or three missions into the campaign then I get "Run-time error '480 Can't create AutoRedraw Image" and the game will close to the desktop.

I have installed the 1.1 patch still the same problem
I've gotten this, too. It happens when it tries to draw the map. When you go to the "Select Squadron" screen or the Campaign "Briefing" screen. I actually did a re-start of my PC and tried again and it worked. No idea why.
Thanks Guys,

Well this is a new one as autoredraw is a standard function - I will look into this but never seen or heard of this before and its a function used in all three phases of OFF.

Can you tell me some more info:

1) PC specs (particularly memory as it can be that you have insufficient free memory)
2) OS

Try freeing up memory by closing redundant tasks in PC background

If the error persists please contact me via the off support e-mail as I see those faster than posts here at SOH.

In fact e-mailing support with your order number will get to me sooner than posting here. Make subject line error 480!!


My specs. are

Processor Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4
Mem. 4.00 GB
Vista 32

I am running 3 displays with tripleheadtogo and TrackerIV.

I have my virus protection shut off before starting Off, and other then tracker and Triple head nothing else is running.

tn_prvteye was right I restarted and was able to continue, unfortunatly It crashed before I could fill in the Claims form.

I may try to do a restart before starting game.

Core2 Extreme QX6700 O/Ced to 2.99 (temps are fine...hits about 65-70 at 100% load)
4mb RAM using PAE
8800GTX 768 Vid Ram
Windows XP SP2 (NOT SP3)

And I already run a lean machine (no unnecessary processes in the background) A/V, just TrackIR and the Saitek software.

I've used Phase 1 & 2 with no problems. And this problem happens VERY rarely for me. I've been playing a few hours daily for over a week and it's only happened twice.

Thanks for the support...and the magnificent product!