Error in Pilot Createion


Charter Member
Just installed OFF:BHaH. Ran into a problem and couldn't find any info in FAQ or the message board.

Created pilot, died tout de suite. Went to create a new pilot and got an Off Manager Runtime error 480 after selecting nationality, type (fighter or bomber), and then selecting the "squadron" push button. Specific error is "Can't create AutoRedraw image".

Running Win 7 Beta.

Just installed OFF:BHaH. Ran into a problem and couldn't find any info in FAQ or the message board.

Created pilot, died tout de suite. Went to create a new pilot and got an Off Manager Runtime error 480 after selecting nationality, type (fighter or bomber), and then selecting the "squadron" push button. Specific error is "Can't create AutoRedraw image".

Running Win 7 Beta.


Sorry to say OFF is XP and Vista compatible only so cannot offer support.


I've had that problem in Vista 32 as well, a couple of times.

For me, a reboot fixes it.
Pilot Creation Error... Win 7 Beta Related...

Looks like this is video driver related. I have an ATI Radeon 2600 pro (512MB) video card running the ATI Win 7 beta drivers. The drivers occaisionally fail, looks like that is what's happening. When the CFS3 executable starts, looks like the video driver fails and recovers. I can fly normally, but when exiting back to OFF manager, the error occurs again.

I've found a couple of ways to recover.
1. Reboot as suggested in the thread above.
2. Kill "Explorer" using Task Manager and then start another instance. This works most of the time (~75%). Able to get through the pilot create and fly one mission at least.

Sometimes, when you're flyting on the bleeding edge, a structural failure occurs! Anyway... Thanks for moral support.

Mr. Bob