Error Messages with AF99


Charter Member
Ok, so there I am, rebuilding a pair of Bristol Pegasus radials and fairing them into the nacelles on my Overstrand. Pleased with the result, I produced to test fly. At the end of the production run an error message board came up saying 'address discrepancy: 37985 vs 35699 Opcode: 41'. The plane displays fine, no missing bits, no odd bleeds. So what is the crack?
Weird Error Messages

Hello Womble55,

I am posting a reply, but I doubt it will be helpful.
I have encountered this error as well, but never quite figured out why it was happening.
Have you tried saving it into an export crate and then extracting?
Have you tried just saving or resetting the numbering in the assembly sequence?
Are you going into either a Structure or Component file and editing it by hand?

I believe one of the most likely causes might be that you have a Component that greatly exceeds the Parts count.

In my case, I just continued building and the error message eventually went away.
I might have split up an overly large Component though.
I never did figure out exactly why, but I have had several cases in which AF99 got confused one way or another.

My graphics arrangement requires that I (close and) restart AF99 each time I exit CFS or the aspect ratio will be strange,
so perhaps that is why I don't encounter that problem very much.

Good Luck!
- Ivan.
From your comments,a few seem likely.I had just hand edited the engine nacelle to fair in the seven sided nacelle to the ten sided bristol pegasus. the extra parts needed to be added at the front of the nacelle so I hand edited them in the correct place.
As to the odd aspect ratio, I also get that if I leave AF99 running while I do an air test in CFS1. I simply close AF99 and reopen and the problem has gone.
I will let you know if a save to crate then open the AFX file to start as new will clear the fault.
File Corruption

Hello Womble55,

One of the very nice things about AF99 is that the files are mostly plain ASCII and easily edited by hand or even by programs (which accounts for a half dozen programs I have written).
The down side is that sometimes even pieces of AF99 get confused and will corrupt a file, especially Component files.

If you think YOU corrupted a Component file, open it up in the AF99 Component Shop and see if it can make some sense of the file before you simply discard it.

Let us know when you figure out what happened.

- Ivan.