Error Updating Config overides



File does not exist! Reinstall OFF! C:\ blah blah blah...... I have updated my CFS3 to 1.a, and have deleted and reinstalled OFF 3 times now..... it runs the opening vids, and allows me to create a pilot , but then I cannot play... Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?..or forgetting to do?
Given you have an error with Config overrides, sounds like it didn't initialise. Go into Workshop click CFSconfig, and wait, when done you can configure screen resolution and sliders (see FAQ near top).
Actually, I did that right after I posted, and it works fine...I didnt have to touch the sliders....runs beautifully! You guys are wonderful!
I have updated my CFS3 to 1.a,

After patching tio 3.1 you then have to run CFS3 and play a mission. Actually fly a plane for a little while. Unless you have done that, the install of OFF won't happen properly
After patching tio 3.1 you then have to run CFS3 and play a mission. Actually fly a plane for a little while. Unless you have done that, the install of OFF won't happen properly

Actually, that was true for P2, but not for P3. In fact, it is not even necessary to have CFS3 installed unless you need to patch it to 3.1 level.
