errr...need some pointers...



hey guys! long time no see! academy's been on my tail for a while. anyways, i was messing round with the stock campaign, and i wonder what this following bit means...

- <Phase>
<Date Month="3" Year="1943" />

<Country Name="USA" F="5" B="2" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="26" B="2" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="32" B="8" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="9" Year="1943" />

<Country Name="USA" F="7" B="3" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="28" B="2" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="33" B="10" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="3" Year="1944" />

<Country Name="USA" F="9" B="4" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="30" B="4" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="35" B="12" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="9" Year="1944" />

<Country Name="USA" F="54" B="8" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="47" B="5" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="58" B="15" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="3" Year="1945" />

<Country Name="USA" F="86" B="16" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="49" B="6" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="75" B="20" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="9" Year="1945" />

<Country Name="USA" F="116" B="28" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="50" B="8" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="162" B="40" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="3" Year="1946" />

<Country Name="USA" F="122" B="30" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="51" B="10" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="182" B="48" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="9" Year="1946" />

<Country Name="USA" F="180" B="33" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="52" B="12" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="211" B="52" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="3" Year="1947" />

<Country Name="USA" F="182" B="35" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="54" B="14" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="232" B="58" />


- <Phase>
<Date Month="9" Year="1947" />

<Country Name="USA" F="190" B="37" />

<Country Name="Britain" F="57" B="15" />

<Country Name="Germany" F="283" B="62" />


thanks to anyone who could tell me what this means...
Hi Williamtong,
in the campaign example you've posted there are three combatants, USA, Britain and Germany. It has apparently a standard start date in 1943. Every 6 months, a new phase occurs, where the number of fighter squadrons (F) and bomber squadrons (B) are adjusted, presumably to semi-historic patterns.

It is possible to have more frequent phases, for example where the month=6 and the year=1943. Copying the format, you can add changes to the numbers of squadrons on a three-monthly basis instead of a 6-monthly basis.

it may be possible to introduce more frequent stages, I don't know.
Also unless you make a number of tweaks, the AI you get in this campaign will be USA and Germany. There is a countryswap utility which apparently allows british AI to spawn rather than USA, depending upon what you want.

i wonder if this will affect the campaign. ie, "stack" in favor of one side.... oh well, thnx!
Hi Williamtong,
in the campaign example you've posted there are three combatants, USA, Britain and Germany. It has apparently a standard start date in 1943. Every 6 months, a new phase occurs, where the number of fighter squadrons (F) and bomber squadrons (B) are adjusted, presumably to semi-historic patterns.

It is possible to have more frequent phases, for example where the month=6 and the year=1943. Copying the format, you can add changes to the numbers of squadrons on a three-monthly basis instead of a 6-monthly basis.

it may be possible to introduce more frequent stages, I don't know.
Also unless you make a number of tweaks, the AI you get in this campaign will be USA and Germany. There is a countryswap utility which apparently allows british AI to spawn rather than USA, depending upon what you want.

Right on, thanks for that info. I've always wondered about it also.
Right on, thanks for that info. I've always wondered about it also.
No wuckers cobber.

That SDK hairyspin refers to is short and clear. It is worth reading. The trick with the campaign xml like allthe xmls, is to make absolutely sure, when you edit it, that you retain the format. And back up the original!

There are some campaigns in the downloads here at SOH. If you use some comparison software like Winmerge, you will find very quickly what the campaign writer has tweaked to make their own individual campaign.

Have fun! :friday: