Escort to Infinity


Home for tea and tiffin!
I'm currently writing a mission where Polish Mustangs escorts Mossies. I played around with waypoint routing and messed up the escort detach point, it somehow became an escort point. The net result was that in warp (appropriate phase as it turned out), the Mustangs shot over the target area, left the Mossies behind and hurtled out of the game area. They got 'stuck' in a stuttering motion until I dropped out of warp, turned around and warped back. They arrived back at the target to find no Mossies (who game time wise had buggered off home for tea), but found lots of angry 109's and 190 - what a fight that was!. Once I restored the detach point all was well! What a rush that was!
XD got many jerries on the way back, or did you run out of ammo?