Essential freeware addons

The only addon I feel is essential is the Shift+Z tool, that recreates the behavior found in FSX/P3D.

Mostly I use to so I can see what sim rate I am using when cruising on autopilot, as I have not found anything in the basic UI that makes it visible.
Essentials for me include all of the "We Love VFR" regional addons, which add the majority of the missing structural landmarks/waypoints to MSFS 2020 - radio towers, smoke stacks, cooling towers, radar domes, construction cranes and more. The author, PuffinFlight, was hired by Asobo/Microsoft to add all of these details in MSFS 2024, which will be included in that sim by default.

Region 1:
Region 2:
Region 3:

Another addon I can't do without is the "no handle bar" mod:

There are also a great many freeware sceneries which I would consider essential depending on where you like to fly.
Get rid of that stupid toolbar handlebar that ruins screenshots!
(Can't believe it still works after all this time and all those updates...)

If you even think you'll fly the Diamond twin, get this improvement mod:
There's also one for the single:

For all those times when you can't see your copilot from the inside and don't want him/her seen from the outside:

There are buttloads of great scenery packages on the site. There's a map page to help you find what you're looking for:
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Welcome Brian! Nice to "see" a familiar "face" from the earlier Flight Sims.

What the Chief said should be your first utility then add the other stuff.
Definitely Addon-Linker. A must have. All the other suggestions are very good stuff too. We Love VFR is a great package. The GAIST package is here-
For those tired of seeing generic bonanza's for GA multi-player aircraft (especially for tail-draggers), floating bonanza's (helicopters), or airbuses for fighter jets, this freeware mod will redirect multiplayer aircraft (those that you don't own) to the standard aircraft already in the sim.

1) First, it generates a single package of small aircraft configuration files which, when placed in the Community folder, redirects multiplayer aircraft models you DON’T have installed to similar ones you DO have installed. So, for example, you can make a Kitfox (if you don't have it installed) look like the DHC2 Beaver instead of the generic Bonanza.

2) Second, it updates the MSFS ICAO Aircraft Designator database to include all aircraft ICAO designators that developers use for their aircraft. (Approx 50% of aircraft in the sim do not use an official ICAO). This allows you to see an aircraft you own even if you don’t have the livery installed.

It's been said that MSFS2024 should be providing some additional generic fall-back aircraft, but no details have been provided. Plus, aircraft developers would likely need to update their aircraft.cfgs accordingly to meet the new standards, so this product may still be useful for 2024.

I keep an updated aircraft file (those new aircraft released by devs since our original release of M3) here for keeping M3 up-to-date:
Here are a couple that I would swear by.

SonicViz Aircraft Manager A much superior way to browse and select your aircraft than the stock method. It saves your control presets for each aircraft, favorite skin, weight and balance presets, better searching and filtering.

The All-In-One tablet from Virtual in-cockpit tablet with all the handy apps including portals to Little Navmap, Navigraph, etc.
