ETO 1.0 ...Help!


Prolly just me but I'm now 4th time around running the install (this time I got up to the 'p's in ships) and me rig keeps reporting "out of disc space" which it most certainly ain't!!...
I have already: defragged, re-downloaded, cleared MORE space, had to bring in xtra tissues
from drooling over the v/c's and other stuff I'm peeking at...:)p:)
(not to mention the screenies bein' posted!!) (I told you not to menti---)
I jes hope it ain't cawz I'm still runnin' WIN98se...
...maybe the swap file, ....anyone have a clue fer me??
Also, is there any special way to remove the partial install? ...I'm on attempt 6 now and its gettin' worse!!

The ETO was never tested on a WIN98 OS machine. Don't know if the Era Selectors or Spawn selectors will work properly.

You might try just copying your clean CFS3 install to a created CFS3 ETO Expansion folder. Delete the stock aircraft and missions from the install.

Run ETO 1.0 skipping the make "CFS3 ETO Directory" portion, but allow the auto installer to install the ETO Expansion files.
Thanx mate...I'm off ta try it ...BUT, I think, well, shouldn't the new stuff copy over the clean install and then change the folder name for the benefit of the 'multi cfs3' utility??
Caws you KNOW I just did it the OTHER way and now... Here we go again...
I'm deleting it ALL fer a fresh start!!! NEVER SAY DIE!!!

" Run ETO 1.0 skipping the make "CFS3 ETO Directory" portion, but allow the auto installer to install the ETO Expansion files. "
This might just be the KEY... I will let US know...
Meanwhile, are there any other die hard win98se hotrodders out in SOH land?

Ya know, I'd prolly just throw in the towel and take up combat tiddlywinks if it weren't for our WONDERFUL SOH community!! ...3 cheers and 3 beers!
Well, I finally got it all unzipped, and I'll prolly just patch/paste in CFS3 by hand....

BTW, WOW WOW, nice stuff, guys!!!
I'm guessing some a/c slated for future versions of MAW (which, from the progress of the sticky above, may still happen)
wound up on our happy plates (Okay, Let's EAT!!) :ernae::ernae: see my other thread, please