ETO 1.2 install


Get the kettle on, time for a brew.
Downloaded the update and was reading the install readme and is says...

"Be sure to place your CFS3 ETO Expansion Theater in ERA 1 and select Stock Spawn Mode before installing this Update."

Done the first point okay but since my CFS3 shortcut icons folder mysterously vanished after a certain member of my family used my computer I don't have a shortcut to the ETO spawn selector (or backup, zapper and resolution although Pat very kindly told me the correct path to the masteretostart bat to be able to era select). I am presuming that this is the one needed to select the stock spawn mode. Could someone please point me in the direction of the correct file to run ? Also, how would I go about making new shortcuts to the relative programs ?

Thank you very much for your help.
Hi Slaine

Find the bat file here:

CFS3 ETO Expansion\spawns\ETOspawnselector.bat

Right click - create shortcut

Start: - CFS3 ETO Expansion\MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat

Resolution - CFS3 ETO Expansion\Resol.exe

Mission Builder - CFS3 ETO Expansion\mb\mb.exe

Backup - CFS3 ETO Expansion\CFS3 ETO Backup.exe

BDP Zapper - CFS3 ETO Expansion BDP Zapper.exe
Password protect your user account and don't tell the little blighter the password. Set up a user account for said blighter and make it a limited one. That'll teach 'im! :violent: