Hi Guys,
As Lewis says, copy teh planes guns, weapons, pyons. but you also need some lines out of your firepower effects file to be copied into your ETO effects file as some of the firepower weapons have there own specific effects.
This can be messy if your not quite sure of what you are doing, and you really dont want to stuff up your effects file.
ETO version 1.2 soon to be released will have an application that will allow you to place the main heavies (Firepower B17F, B17G, B24J) into your ETO aircraft folder and it will convert them to ETO format, so you dont have to copy the weapons etc over as they will use AvHistory loadouts and our own effects files.
Down the track I hope we will be able to do the same for the german firepower planes.
The firepower lancasters have not been done becuase we have brand new moels from Nachtpiloten which do the job very nicely.
regards Rob.