ETO 1.40 Mission package 2 ready for testing


Charter Member
I have finished the ETO 1.40 multi-missions package 2
There are missions for French, British, USA, German, Axis Allies ,Italian..
From 1936 to 1945

**Required Aircraft Downloads:
Property of Italian Wings

1)Reggiane Re. 2005 "Sagittario
Luftdienst Kommando Italien, Maniago, Italy, Feb. 1944

Link: Italian Wing/Downloads

Many thanks to Italian wings and Regshanger for this..


A great contribute from:
Giovanni "Nanni" Cignoni - The majority of the intrument gauges.
Mathias Pommerien - Lot of tips and correction of some problems.
Graham - Great help in learning gMax mapping.
Luciano Tedeschi - Lot of help in the research process.

Download and istall the shared file first, then the airplane file. This aircraft needs the following add-on to work, all available through the internet, which are:

a) AvHistory Guns and Weapons Pack:


b) The Ground crew Design Group Shared Files

Link: Crew Design Group Official Website.htm



**Required aircraft Download;
Glenn Martin GM167-a3 French Air Force uploaded by ndicki


Sending to testers Today.
will post after the brave men try this..
Back to wrecking aircraft, and there is much rejoicing!
all good for me interested if anyone sees something or misses something i overlooked , all work well

fly - high - wreck- hit - kill- jump- swim - land -

itssssssssssssssssss a go green light muffin hobbit

Thanks guys for your kind support..
Rocketred, Many Thanks for testing these..

I have discovered that I have two Ms406 missions that are about the same type set up..
I will change this in the package and resend the new Ms406 mission to all..
Indiscriminately Wrecking Aircraft and enjoying it! :applause:
yes dear ....................................................................................................:salute::salute:
Hey rocketred, just finished the updated ms 406 mission along with a attack Paris Gestapo headquarters mission to add to the package..
I will send these later today..
Thanks for helping out..