Eto 1.5 ?

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Ive been moving house and various over things over the last few years and would now like to get back into using ETO. My last update was 1.4. Is there a 1.5 available now ? or anything else to improve 1.4 ?
ETO 1.50 is a Great improvement over the past ETO expansions.
Many new items, aircraft effects, missions.
you will be impressed.
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Thats great however Ive forgotten where everything is and cant find 1.5 in CF3 addons only 1.5 large formation can you tell me where to find 1.5 download please
Thanks very much Yes I already have 1.4

Can you tell me if all the extra missions Ive added will still be there when I upgrade to 1.5 or do I need to back those up first ?
Hi Graham,

all extra files that you have in your 1.4 install will be fine. 1.5 only adds to the existing setup, it replaces 1.4ETO files with updated files and adds in new content but it doesn't delete anything that was not part of the original 1.4.

regards Rob.
To all,

Yeppir, the order is: ETO 1.0 + ETO 1.20 + ETO 1.40 + ETO 1.40 Hotfix + ETO 1.50.

ETO Firepower USAAF HeavyBombers2 is optional, requires some Firepower aircraft, and was designed to be installed on ETO 1.20 install and up.

Hope this helps.

Do it in order grizzly says
ETO 1.0 + ETO 1.20 + ETO 1.40 + ETO 1.40 Hotfix + ETO 1.50
here are all the files at the bottom of the page

Video tutorials to help you very, thorough. ETO 1 Install Tutorial video ETO 1.20 Install Tutorial Video ETO 1.40 Install Tutorial Video

none yet ETO 1.40 Hotfix Video Install help - In file's readme

none yet ETO 1.50 Video Install help - In file's readme
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