ETO 1.50 SCW Missions Package uploaded for ALL


Charter Member
I have submitted the Spanish civil war package for all to SOH for upload, as soon as Master Rami sees this it will be available for all..
I hope all will enjoy the package..
Thank you.. to the ETO team,
Many Thanks to the Masters Corrado, Major Magee.. who built items for this package.
And to GOSD for testing
Check the read me closely there is a day by day account of the SCW air war included.
For those who are interested, I am finally getting my e-mails caught up, and items reloaded for my CFS3 work,
playing catch up, but will soon be working at full capacity.
Hang in there more coming.
And there was Much Rejoicing! :applause: :biggrin-new: :ernaehrung004:
Hobbit on the loose..
:mixed-smiley-027:Hi Owen I goofed the plane I need is i_16_type10 I have all the rest.

Thanks again Len

Hi Len, that isn't called for in any of these missions, the last time I used this was in the ETO set for the Eastern front I-16 missions?? from several years ago..???