ETO-1939 Hun Flying boats error

Old Tiger

Charter Member
ETO-1939 Hun Flying boats by SPQR33
:wavey:Hey guys
:icon_eek:Getten this error unziping the mission.
Error: The system cannot find the path specified.
Cannot create C:/Documents and Settings/Len Abbott/My Documents/Unzipped/hun_flyingboat_sorties/hun_flyingboat_sorties/historical references/Germany's Dornier Do 24 reconnaissance flying boat - World War II Vehicles, Tanks, and Airplanes_files/WorldWarIiVehiclesAndTanks.gif
Any idea whats going on? This mission looks like a real :medals:winner,I sure would like to see it work.
ETO-1939 Hun Flying boats by SPQR33
:wavey:Hey guys
:icon_eek:Getten this error unziping the mission.
Error: The system cannot find the path specified.
Cannot create C:/Documents and Settings/Len Abbott/My Documents/Unzipped/hun_flyingboat_sorties/hun_flyingboat_sorties/historical references/Germany's Dornier Do 24 reconnaissance flying boat - World War II Vehicles, Tanks, and Airplanes_files/WorldWarIiVehiclesAndTanks.gif
Any idea whats going on? This mission looks like a real :medals:winner,I sure would like to see it work.

:kilroy:Old Tiger, I just downloaded and unzipped it with no problems. Try downloading it again and unzip it to your desktop.:d
in the ships folder these 2 files whihc one goes in the ship folder of same type ....tks

:wavey:Here ya go LB

Drag-Copy both of these files into your stock "carrier_lighted_2" ETO Lighted Carrier folder. Click OK to overwrite.
Don't forget to delete the "carrier_lighted_2.bdp" file for this to take effect.
Hi Guys,

LB and OT, I'm not quite sure what exactly your talking about here but the referance to deleting the carrier bdp file pricked my ears up so to speak.

I would strongly suggest you do not delete the bdp file in any of the carriers.
The bdp files have been edited after creation to allow the ability to to land ect. if you delete the bdp file and allow a new one to be built you lose those built in edits, which will cuase you greif down the track...

regards Rob.
Hi Guys,

LB and OT, I'm not quite sure what exactly your talking about here but the referance to deleting the carrier bdp file pricked my ears up so to speak.

I would strongly suggest you do not delete the bdp file in any of the carriers.
The bdp files have been edited after creation to allow the ability to to land ect. if you delete the bdp file and allow a new one to be built you lose those built in edits, which will cuase you greif down the track...

regards Rob.

:ernae:Thanks for the HU Rob it was in the install ships read me. I'll :running:reinstall the bdp. See what happens