ETO addon Bombers


Charter Member
Hello all,

I remember a file called Airbase fix awhile back to correct the problem of large bombers exploding when pulled up in QC. with ETO and all the expansions, do I need to re-install this feature or am I good to go when installing heavy bombers to my expansion?
Hi AT,

dont use this tool on any of your Addons its for STOCK CFS3 only. it will cuase untold heartache if you use this :)

regards Rob.
Autothrottle, please DO NOT use that file. It WILL do what Capt. Winters said.

If you are having problems with bombers exploding on airfields, please state which airfield(s) and the Era(s) in ETO where this is happening so that we may note the problem and fix it.

Thanks in advance.

I haven't used it yet. Thanks to you all for the helpful advice, I'm still getting used to everything with ETO. Is it safe to assume NEK is unnecessary too?
That's right, a custom version of the NEK is already included with ETO. You only need the NEK downloads for stock CFS3 when adding models of other than British, German and USA aircraft. (this includes those for US and British navies!)