ETO Expansion default install aircraft


Been trying my hand at building some missions for ETO expansion but I have come to the realization that my install is heavily modded and has over 1200 aircraft installed, some from CFS3 early days in 2004 up to current aircraft.

The problem now is trying to workout what aircraft came standard with the expansion?

I would like to build the missions around the default ETO aircraft for easy integration without a heap of downloads.

Can anybody point me where I might find a list of or share with me a list of the default aircraft that is in a fully patched ETO install.

I can do a reinstall to new directory but I thought I might ask first.



PS I should add that I looked in the readme folder and there is the doc about aircraft but its a bit generic in the way it lists them IE BF 109 - 19 versions etc
That might be an issue, as the ETO last version was a while back, and many new ac and stand alone textures relevant to ETO have been added since. The normal way to do missions now would be to use what you have and make a note in the readme as to what ac facilities, weapons m etc., might be required. Downloaders then can get those from the Library or just use notepad to change the aircraft(s), etc. Thai in fact is very quick and I do it all the time to old missions when upgrading to new aircraft.
Thanks for the input Mongoose I thought that might be the case.

Its not a deal breaker but I just thought Id ask and see what responses I get, I'll leave it open to anybody who may be able to assist

I use notepad++ to do the same thing to old missions.

Well I think I have about the same as you in my ETO-TOW plus install; all BoB, ETO, and my TOW ac!:mixed-smiley-010: I think that I have kept most of the zip files from downloads, so if you or anyone using your missions needs help, fell free to ask! Most can be got from the Warbirds Library, and just a couple of other sites, such as PatPattle's BoB site'and regshangar.

IMHO, what would be nice is more both ways missions of the 8tth USAF vs. the LW, where, at least later on, there was also plenty of fighter vs. fighter operation. As I am now fully engaged with TOW, I am happy to pass on to you all the daytime USAF missions I have which you are welcome to do whatever you like with. Also my mission building in the latest BoB install, with very large formations is something that I am willing to help with.
i need to do a stock install ,just to be able to play multi-player. Mine is so modded and so many aircraft and such it's hardly recognizable !
Only here, can you find answers like that! :)

But I must mention that aircraft w40_H75A3 should be removed
because it shares an M3D name with w40_H75A2_No84

It should've left with an ETO Expansion Obsolete
File Remover, but stuck around! Stuff happens.

Only here, can you find answers like that! :)

But I must mention that aircraft w40_H75A3 should be removed
because it shares an M3D name with w40_H75A2_No84

It should've left with an ETO Expansion Obsolete
File Remover, but stuck around! Stuff happens.


Thanks Firestorm II, from memory it was just the folders that are left behind, I have previously removed that one.
