ETO Fantasy Matchups


Charter Member
Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone has ever settled the long-time disputes of aviation history as of yet? For example getting into a dogfight using an Me-262 A-1 vs. The venerable Gloster Meteor. or A Shinden vs. A Dornier 335 probing which is superior. Just asking: Can we really settle the hash once and for all?


For CFS2, I've flirted a few times with a "what if" campaign involving P-80 Shooting Stars based in Italy clashing over the Alps with Messerschmitt Me-262s of JV 44 during the Spring of 1945. I guess that qualifies...
Seeing as the AI is such utter crap - absence of fuel weight and crew, never mind their legendary unwillingness to take their fighting seriously - you'd have to do it in multiplayer, one vs one, and each player flies each aircraft a number of times. Say 5 times Meteor vs Me262, then 5 times Me262 vs Meteor. That would help iron out some of the differences in flying ability between the two players, although you'd still have to watch out for differing tactics and style.
The CFS3 flight model also doesn't take account of the real behaviour of the Jumo, or the Welland and Derwent turbojets. The Jumo especially was a tricky powerplant in use, despite the 262's phenomenal performance. The Flight Replicas Me-262 for FSX tries to replicate this behaviour, as documented by former 262 pilots. I've been trying it and it's a handful with Bernt Stolle's flight model and the systems behaviour!

Did you know the Meteor was the first jet fighter in service? One week ahead of the 262, although it wasn't allowed behind enemy lines until very late in the war: that surprised me...