ETO for Dummies



He folks.
I reinstalled my good old CFS3 yesterday and after some googling I found this site, forum and download archive.
First of all: I have a GERMAN version of CFS3!
First I updated to 3.1 and than to 3.1a!
I installed a few new effects and some replacement textures to improve graphics.

Than later yesterday evening I found something called "ETO" and wondered what it's all about...
Itseems that thing I'm searching for: A huge graphical update for CFS3... :applause: Is that right or am I misunderstanding something???
What about my installation??? Do I have to completely reinstall the game or are the few changes I've done no problem for the ETO install???
Is ETO usable with my german CFS3???

Thanks in Advance
sure it works with the German CFS3 as well as with other languages....

Just be sure to follow the instructions in the ReadMe's step by step.

And maybe, just to be 100% sure, make a clean new install of CFS3, update it to 3.1, then to 3.1a, fly a short quick combat, then beginn to install ETO. If you want to leave your alrady installed CFS3 on your harddisc, just temporary rename the CFS3-folder.
Moinsen Grisu,

erstmal: ich kann Hochdeutsch und platt, aber kein Schwäbisch. :bump:

Am Besten - und das ist wichtig- bringst Du deinen CFS3 erst einmal auf Version 3.1a, d.h. beide Patches von hier installieren:
Wenn Du ETO oder MAW installierst, kopieren die Installer einige Quelldateien aus deinem "Ur-CFS3" in einen neuen Installationsordner, d.h. ETO und MAW sind dann eigenständige Programme, unabhängig von deinem Standard CFS3.
Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit der deutschen Version gibt es keine außer das bei den neuen Flugies und Objekten die Schadensmeldungen in englisch sind.
Hallo Mathias.
Danke für die Antwort. Patch 3.1a hab ich wie gesagt schon installiert.
Dann dürften die ersetzten Texturen aus dem Downloadberich ja eigentlich nichts ausmachen, da ETO ja vermutlich eigene Texturen und Effekte mitbringt...

Die ganze Installtion klingt irgendwie kompliziert wenn ich das in den Foren so lesen... vorallem da ich nicht ins Standardverzeichnis installiert habe...
He folks.
Installed ETO 1.0 and 1.20 yesterday evening and everything worked without problems, even some effect files and textures were nortoriginal anymore.
ETO started and was playable, also time era swapping worked fine.
The only negative thing for me is the fact that with the german version you tha get some englisch texts. Unfortunately CFS3 (and also FS9) does not provide an international install on its disk to be installable in Englisch from beginning...
Do you have a lot of times on your hands and want a really great additon to CFS3? It will take 5 or 6 hours (if you don't make a mistake.)
This is were CFS3 ETO is located.
Copy this link and placein the program box. The one with the explorer symbol.
Select to download 1.0 first then 1.20 after you have the program loaded.
Down load the program to desktop open it and expand. You will now have a brown dot. This is the download manager.... This is a stand alone program. It will not replace cfs3.
You will put this program in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games..Note: do not put in C:\Program file\Microsoft games\cfs3 or you will screw it up.
I am submitting this message, so you do not spend 15 hours trying to get this GREAT game onto the computor. Good luck!