ETO Genoa- La Spezia - Parma


Charter Member
Well Hello from DCS land!

It's been ages since I've run CFS3 but I do have it working with Firepower on my recent rig upgrade. Forgot my CFS3 CD in the old one and it's long gone now. But anyway, I've been tooling around in DCS with the F-86 for a year or more and decided to revisit CFS3. I am travelling to Italy soon and thought I would checkout the ETO maps and fly around a bit. I have the Lat Long coordinates for the old village part of my family emigrated from, and as I was flying around, I realized that Genoa is misplaced around the area of Sarzana further down the coast. The small cape you see on the map is La Spezia. Further up the coast at about the apex of the gulf is where Genoa truly sits. The airfield marked "Genoa" sits where the town of Sarzana actually sits just east of La Spezia along the coast, adding to the confusion. The true location of Genoa on the map has no airfield at all, even though there is a good rail line or road travelling south from Milano-Forlanini which is in the right place south of Milan. Parma is about right as well down the valley on the east side of the mountains, east of Genoa. I am not sure who could help correct the .gls layer if there is any interest at this point?

All in all, this sim and mod packs continue to amaze me. The amount the community was able to accomplish stands the test of time. It's what got me started on modding and simming for real. I have done what I can to fix the 50 cals on the Sabre and tweak the Sputnik ueber-style simple flight model for the MiG-15 AI in DCS. it's fun to tool around in CFS3 again. If anyone has any thought about this, please respond.



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Hi Squiffy, greetings signor!

It shouldn't be difficult to move the Genoa airbase on the global layer csv. The question is whether people can use the information and edit the global_layer file, or whether a new GL (for each era) should be uploaded for ETO 1.50?
An update would be great. I don't think Genoa had an airfield until after the war. I could be wrong but modern C. Columbo airport is on an island along side the port.

The 2 lakes in the mountains above are pretty accurate actually. Lakes, Lago di Brugneto and Lago di Giacopiano are around there in order from West to East.

The town where my bisnonna emigrated from is only 20 miles from Portofino, but that's how the crow flies and getting there, over the summit, by tunnel and valley roads probably takes forever! I may try it when I'm there because I have 2 days this time to get up and down from Venice. It will be an adventure.

And you can see my terrain tile masks are fouled up as well. That's left over from my modding days and my backup folders are not a clean install.

(ITAL): see Genua.Genova (ITAL): see Genua.Genua (ITAL) (a.k.a. Genova, Genoa, Genoa-Sampierdarena) (44 24 25N – 08 53 15 E) General: landing ground in NW Italy 4.75 km W of Genoa city center andlocated on a quay 600 meters S of the center of the suburb ofSampierdarena. History: built after June 1940. Several Royal Italian AirForce fighter units were based here during the war but the Luftwaffe did notuse it, except perhaps for emergency landings. Surface and Dimensions:hard surfaced, probably concrete, measuring approx. 1190 x 640 meters(1300 x 700 yards) with a “T” shape. Fuel and Ammunition: both madeavailable as needed. Infrastructure: had 1 medium hangar with adjacentworkshops at the center of the N boundary and another medium hangar atthe SE corner. Admin offices were reportedly near the hangar on the Nboundary, and 5 narrow buildings near the hangar at the SE corner may- 97 - Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45have been barracks. Dispersal: there were 6 concrete hardstands foraircraft on the S boundary.Defenses: protected by the 12 positions of heavy Flak and 14 positions oflight Flak that defended the port.Remarks: 1943-45: the Genoa area was bombed or otherwise attacked more than 40times by Allied aircraft during the war, but the landing ground was notintentionally targeted as far as can be determined.30 Sep 44: landing ground listed as rendered unserviceable by explodedmines.Operational Units: Italian (Regia Aeronautica): 2º Gruppo CT (May-Sep 43); 13º Gruppo CT(Jun-Oct 41).Luftwaffe: none identified.Station Commands: none identified.Station Units (Lw. units stationed in and around this city and port in NWItaly on various dates – not complete): Flak-Rgt. 5 (Stab) (Mar 43);schw.Flak-Abt. 363 (Oct 43 - ?); schw.Flak-Abt. 574 (Sep 43); schw.Flak-Abt. 575 (Apr-Aug 44); schw.Flak-Abt. 603 (? – Aug 44); le.Flak-Abt. 843(Jun/Jul 44 - ?); part of le.Flak-Abt. 921 (Oct 43, Feb 44); 7.(Tel.Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 21 (Mar 43); 26.(m.Flum.)/Ln.-Rgt. 200 (c. Jul 44 – Apr 45); 35.(le.Flum.)/Ln.-Rgt. 200 (1944-45)?; Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/XIII(Feb 43); Verladekdo. d.Lw. Genua (Mar 43); Bauhof d.Lw. Genua (Mar 43),Wetternebenstelle 872 (Sep 44, Mar 45); L.S.-Warnkdo. Genua (Mar 45).[Sources: AFHRA A5262 pp.1771-73 (25 Feb 43); chronologies; BA-MA;NARA; PRO/NA; web site]