ETO Global Layers


So I am looking up places where KG76 were based in ca. the ETO 1945 era and I noticed they are still in France! Now I haven't examined the GSLs post June 1944 and the later liberation of France but somehow I suspect the ETO gsl doesn't fully reflect the loss to Germany of the territory pre Dec 1945. I am also not sure (yet) whether that gsl reflects all the main active fliegerhorsts in Germany during the last month of the war (Dec1944 on. Western Front at least).
I note anyway no Fliergerhorst Burg where various units of KG76 were based.

Looking into this further, mainly because I want to do a few missions for the Ar234, it seems that the info in the 1`945 era was probably just copied from previous eras. For instance I don;t even see any gsl for Bastogne or Remargen' as well as some other Belgium cities. Probably a lot more stuff specific to this era not there. It's almost as if 1945 era was an afterthought. I haven't even looked at the 1944 era since previously my area of interest has been nighttime era 3 and BOB day and night. Something else to work on!:dizzy::pop4:
There's always something to work on, mate! When I've managed to spend some time in the ETO eras, I've been absolutely astounded at how much work has been achieved! The airfields, in vast numbers, in multiple eras, are very involving with all the special facilities and vehicles bringing the airbases to life.

The ETO team achieved something very special and I find something new every time I enter the ETO world :applause:
Well that is also very true. ETO was a great install and I imagine wore out all the people involved. It certainly is the basis for all my TOW stuff. I just have never looked at the later eras that much before. If it wasn't for Ar234, I probably still wouln't have got around to Era 5! As it is, there is still plenty of gsl work I feel I have to do in 2-4 WRT day and night bombing facilities for the gsl's!
It would be great to have some missions for the new Ar-234. Thanks mongoose for tackling it. A great aircraft ! One greatly needed for the ETO.
Back to gsl's! I forget now if WOFF or even CFS3 missions have dynamic war fronts, but again, working on the ETO Era 5, I note everything in France was really Axis when trying to do missions. Would it be possible to make a front line in the gsl or some other way that say, reflected the start of that era?

So this is what is in a mission (A rough approximation). Could that be somehow put in the gsl?

<Point Lat="N54*59'31.1951"" Lon="E8*28'25.7121""/>
<Point Lat="N53*31'8.4489"" Lon="E7*9'52.1468""/>
<Point Lat="N51*33'18.1009"" Lon="E5*57'2.2954""/>
<Point Lat="N51*8'45.1251"" Lon="E5*52'7.6981""/>
<Point Lat="N50*49'6.7305"" Lon="E5*31'40.2011""/>
<Point Lat="N50*9'49.9437"" Lon="E6*17'29.7731""/>
<Point Lat="N49*33'49.5754"" Lon="E6*37'57.2676""/>
<Point Lat="N49*10'5.6808"" Lon="E6*53'30.1612""/>
<Point Lat="N49*6'0.1900"" Lon="E7*47'30.7320""/>

Meanwhile I suppose the best alternative is to do a template missions just with the front line (approximate) upon which missions can be built. View attachment Dec44 Front line.txt You must save it as an xml file of course!

The attached shows what it was in Dec 1944.



  • 1944-12-01GerWW2BattlefrontAtlas.jpg
    100.1 KB · Views: 2
I did some historical frontlines for all 5 eras, they are based on maps and are as accurate as possible, feel free to use them at your convenience.

In era 5, look for mission XML files starting 'Clostermann_' or 'LBS_'.
I will. What about those for the other eras?

EDIT: OK I have looked and basically similar to what I am doing. I have now done Dec44 through to April 45 from North Sea through to the Adriatic. Just May 1945 to do; not much left for Germany then. !944 June to November will be next. All are basically just templates as the example in my post above, so anybody can build missions on them after removing the stand in "Country="USA" Aircraft="20mmflak38" Airbase="meleFR024" for the aircraft. I will upload all with the accompanying maps in due course. Not sure about era 1 though' maybe later.
I did some for all eras so don't hesitate to use them also. If you need, I have also built some missions specifically dedicated to D-Day with frontlines and facilities for all five beaches so feel free to use any of my work as needed!:wavey:
If they are complete front lines for specific time periods, perhaps you could strip them of mission content (minus player ac) and upload with accompanying front line map. That certainly would avoid more duplication!:jump: (Like my post!:wiggle:)
The full mission pack is here, it focusses on June 06th with various frontlines and beaches configurations along the day :

Otherwise there is ETO_Atlantic Wall for which there are some historical frontlines for various era's:

Regarding the maps, they are on my previous computer and I don't remember which website it was. I'll try to find it again, it was a huge source of information, there were so many detailed maps for the WWII period for all theaters. A most wanted source to build historical missions.