Well after a few hours working with this (in part because Vista 64 has a seperate program file folder for 32bit program) I think I got it going somewhat.... I can launch campaigns in Era 1 for the Phoney War and BOF. What confuses me now is when I switch eras. For example when I switch to Era 3, I still the same campaigns that were in Era 1. Is this correct? For the record, the campaigns in all the eras are the same: Phoney, BOF, La Fortressa Europe, 1943, 1944, and 1945. When I change eras, there are different splash screens but am just unsure if the eras were properly installed since all campaigns show up regardless of the era selected. Is this correct?
But from what I can tell, the work done on ETO is phenomenol. Thanks guys!

Rwmarth, all of the campaigns will be seen in all of the Eras. You have done nothing wrong.
Remember this:
1. Attack in the West and and Phoney War are for Era 1 only.
2. 1943 is for Era 3.
3. 1944 is for Era 4.
4. 1945 is for Era 5.
Currently, there are no campaigns for Era 2.
Each campaign should be played only in the Era in which it is intended.
The Spawn Selector is geared for these campaings in this manner:
1. Stock Spawn Mode is mainly for Quick Combat in that Era.
2. Random Spawn Disable is for mission play, any Era.
3 & 4. Allied and Axis Side ETO Campaigns are used in Eras 3, 4, & 5 when playing ETO campaigns in those Eras.
5 & 6. Allied and Axis Side Attack in the West Campaign are for use when playing the Attack in the West Campaign in Era 1.
7 & 8. Allied and Axis Phoney War Campaign are for use when playing the Phoney War Campaign in Era 1.
Note regarding Allied and Axis Sides: Allied is used when playing as an Allied pilot and Axis is used when playing as an Axis pilot.
If the Spawn Selector is not set properly, the campaign being played may crash when something that is called for is not present.
I hope this helps.:d