ETO mission set "Sink The Tirpitz" is ready for download

I have problem with the following mission:(MJ-ETO-007e) Tirpitz USAAF Attack (P47),the goal in this mission requires one to destroy a axis ship formation (wich varies from one mission to another ie GC_jaguar,GC_S38,GR_Tanker...).
But afther flying the mission several times these goals do not show up. Is there something missing a spawn?
Old Tiger,
Have you tried (MJ-ETO-007a) Tirpitz USAAF Escort/Sweep (P47), (MJ-ETO-007c) Tirpitz USAAF Escort/Sweep (P51) and (MJ-ETO-007i) Tirpitz RAF Escort/Sweep (Huri). All have the same problem; the goal ship fomation other than Tirpitz cannot be found.
Old Tiger,
Have you tried (MJ-ETO-007a) Tirpitz USAAF Escort/Sweep (P47),(MJ-ETO-007c) Tirpitz USAAF Escort/Sweep (P51) and (MJ-ETO-007i) Tirpitz RAF Escort/Sweep (Huri). All have the same problem; the goal ship fomation other than Tirpitz cannot be found.

:friendly_wink:No not yet, will take a look when i get a chance:very_drunk:
For the Escort/Sweep missions the goal, most of the time is a spawned German aircraft formation. But in the spawn file I do have the possibility that the Germans are caught by surprise and don't respond.

For the Attack missions the goal is the Tirpitz and Scharnhorst. The other ships are a distraction.

Hope this helps.
Scince there is another ship formation stated in the goals and it cannot be found these missions will never be a success.:redfire:
Hafther consulting with the furry foothed mission guru it apears that flying thse missions with ETO QC_shipping will generate odd ship formation goals. So I removed the QC_shipping feature and BINGO! the missions fleew correctly.:encouragement:
Thanks for all trying to help with this anomaly.:applause:
Hi All,

this would be a nice addition to the mission set. It's a 9 squadron Lancaster (modified) MkIII with upper turret removed (they were considered unnecessary by late 44 and the removel reduced weight, which helped with the bigger bomb loads)

9 squadron went onto become one of the special task units, similar to 617 squadron,this plane dropped the tallboy that finally sank the Tirpitz.

This model is the originl Lancaster by Mathias, but has been reworked quite a bit by Ted (Nachtpiloten) to remove the upper turret, and a few other mods. The Texture is by John (Bravo/4) and the the others files are ETO lancaster based files I did up.

I'll upload in the near future, once I finish pylons etc.

regards Rob.


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