ETO Problems


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Hi all, does anyone know why the B-25s keep pushing nose up in the air on ETO 1.4? Had this problem before on other PCs and still can't find a fix. Even with the stick full forward it just keeps nosing up and makes it un-flyable. Shame as it's one of my favourite planes! Also, after a meticulous adherence to the install instructions I select Battle of Britain ERA and appropriate spawns but it just sticks me in the 1943 screen. All else works great. Anyone know a fix for these two problems?

Thanks in advance Gordywill
Re the era swap issues I would look at the batch files; particularly the ETOEraSwapper.bat file to see the lines dealing with changes from era 3 to bob are correct. If an issue, copy the file details here. (right click and edit the copy paste!).
Have you also tried to switch from era3 to 1?
Hi all, does anyone know why the B-25s keep pushing nose up in the air on ETO 1.4?

Hi Gordywill, some models are designed to be flown with the settings on 'hard' which may be your issue. Also, calibrating your controls may help.
ETO B-25 issues

Thanks guys for the info, I'll see, given what I mentioned in another thread about modding, what can be done. Mongoose I had no idea where to look for the BoB Era but I do now! Thank you!
CFS3 ETO will not startl

Hi All, all of a sudden CFS3 ETO fails to start.
It has been working perfectly on my W1O and the stock standard CFS3 still works fine.
The only change is that I have made is a new Dell monitor. Now when I double click the exe file the era page loads, flicks once, then black page, and then all disappears.
I have tried running CFS3 ETO from a copy on my back up hard drive with the same result.
So it must have changed on my computor?
Any help, as usual, will be most appreciated.
Hi All, all of a sudden CFS3 ETO fails to start.
It has been working perfectly on my W1O and the stock standard CFS3 still works fine.
The only change is that I have made is a new Dell monitor. Now when I double click the exe file the era page loads, flicks once, then black page, and then all disappears.
I have tried running CFS3 ETO from a copy on my back up hard drive with the same result.
So it must have changed on my computor?
Any help, as usual, will be most appreciated.

All good, just a matter of running the CFG.exe again and changing resolution to match new monitor.