ETO proper credit?

Mark Rude

Charter Member
I managed to download the ETO, however I have been so busy with work and working on the AC-47 model that I have just now installed it. I noticed some of my work has made its way into the ETO. This is fine. Everything I do
for CFS3 is freeware. A little credit would have been nice however.

I thought that everyone who had contributed was mentioned on the "Contributors" page at install and also in the read me. I will check on this and get back to you.

Best Regards

I apologize Mark. I guess that offense rests with me as the project coordinator, I was responsible for creating the credits and contributor listings. Although at least 20 people reviewed the credit splashscrrens for some reason your listing was left off. We appreciate your contribution and willingness to share with the community. Once again I apologize and will make sure that your name will be added to the contributor splashscreen in the 1st update.
Yes sorry about that oversight Mark, we all looked through the list as Bob said. Your stuff came in through Gordons BoB global layer I believe so it's an ACC error that your name was missed off. Sincere apologies for that.

Your radar sites are a great addition and much appreciated btw! :)
Good enough.I am pleased that it got used. I've got so many models that will
never be used. I am flattered that you guys thought it was good enough for the ETO>.