eto query


Charter Member 2014
hi guys, first of all, like everyone else has said, i would like to say what a fantastic add on, i have one small query everything works great, but in the ui. no matter what pilot i choose i still have the same pilot. i think it is the british pilot, but when i fly. the pilot nationality i have chosen is in the aircraft, NOT A MAJOR ISSUE just a query. ( PS i over flew a factory with 4 chimney's and smoke was belching out of each of them, its things like this that raise the default CFS3 from a game to a simulator) So everyone who worked on this take a pat on the back.) THEN GET BACK TO WORK ON EVEN MORE FANTASTIC WORKS OF ART LOL!!! THANK YOU ONE AND ALL.
'nother ETO Query

Do I need to redownload all the avhistory weapons and planes and stuff to use ETO?
What all should I need? I have a brand new fresh install of CFS 3 up to 3.1a and that's all at this time.:wavey:

Thanks for the positive feeback. We appreciate your contibution to the eto as well. I hadn't really noticed it before but after your quesiton regarding the ui I ran through a few nationalities. Is it a case of making sure the aircraft and the pilot nationality match? I didn't run through all of the pilots and nations, but I had a british pilot and ac and had the total blue uniform, when I switched to an american aircraft and pilot I had the blue pants and brown blouse.

But in any case we will put it on our list of things to check and update in the 1st quarter update.

hi guys, first of all, like everyone else has said, i would like to say what a fantastic add on, i have one small query everything works great, but in the ui. no matter what pilot i choose i still have the same pilot. i think it is the british pilot, but when i fly. the pilot nationality i have chosen is in the aircraft, NOT A MAJOR ISSUE just a query. ( PS i over flew a factory with 4 chimney's and smoke was belching out of each of them, its things like this that raise the default CFS3 from a game to a simulator) So everyone who worked on this take a pat on the back.) THEN GET BACK TO WORK ON EVEN MORE FANTASTIC WORKS OF ART LOL!!! THANK YOU ONE AND ALL.
Do I need to redownload all the avhistory weapons and planes and stuff to use ETO?
What all should I need? I have a brand new fresh install of CFS 3 up to 3.1a and that's all at this time.:wavey:

:kilroy:Ralph B, there's no need to do that. They're in there already. All you need to install in your fully updated (to 3.1a) CFS3 install. You already have that. Just install ETO. Installation is very similarly to MAW, PTO, KS, etc. ETO just copies what you need from your vanilla CFS3 install and creates a new game folder. It won't hurt your CFS3 vanilla at all.:d
The eto comes with the latest AvH wep plus some. The eto comes with a limited amount of aircraft. So yes go ahead and download AvH and Reg's hanger aircraft in preparation of receiving your DVD,

The effects included are the latest and do not need any updating.

If you have a fresh unmodded patched to 3.1a CFS3 you are ready to go.

Do I need to redownload all the avhistory weapons and planes and stuff to use ETO?
What all should I need? I have a brand new fresh install of CFS 3 up to 3.1a and that's all at this time.:wavey:
Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to ETO. I haven't played cfs 3 in Quite a while.I've been checking out Prince Of Persia and Vietcong 1&2 ect. be good to go flying again.:wavey:
I also have a problem with the pilots uniform.I upgraded to the ETO 1.2 version,all of my pilots turn out wearing the britsh uniform.Nothing againts the uniform ,but for the sake of accuracy other uniforms would be in the order.How can I correct this ?

Thanks for the help, the game runs grate congratulation to the ETO team!!!
Cheers !
The Yanks had their own airforce, pilots from all other allied nations were attached to the RAF

Little correction FM

The Brazilian airforce in Italy respected the American fighter pilot uniform, not the British one. However for other occasions (including ceremonies) the brazilian uniform was used. Maybe that was also the case for the Montezuma Squadron (Mexico)?
