ETO Reflective B17G Set



A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Aircraft

Description: As none of the B-17Gs in ETO reflect light properly when using Ankor's shaders, which is doubly problematic when trying to use a bare metal skin, Major Magee kindly fixed the XDP file of one of them for me, and I, in my only foray into aircraft cloning, created myself a set of four B-17Gs (cleaning up a texture mapping conflict or two in the process) and gave them new skins to differentiate them from anything that's gone before. The base aircraft was the '1% - 3US B-17G-80 Flying Fortress'. The creators of it are: Model by HerbieG with air & damage files by Gregory SARGE Pierson using version 4.00.167 of the AvHistory 1% Assembly Line process. Main texture John BRAVO/4 Whelan. Testing was kindly done by Scott 'sixstrings' Lewis. See the Readme file for details and installation.

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The set includes three previously released alternate skins and one new alternate skin (in case folks don't care for fictitious/semi-fictitious planes!).

I live under the approach to the Dayton Wright Brothers Airport (KMGY) at about 3 miles out from the perimeter fence.


Sentimental Journey - 14 Jun 14
Nice view! I live by the New Castle Airport near Wilmington, DE and only rarely get such interesting visitors!
Hi Threedp, have you seen the Firepower B17G noseart set that 46th designs had made up many moons ago? There are about eight different examples, however all feature scantily-clad women . . . :playful: