ETO Scenery


Charter Member
I have a small problem when I start the game in any era with an axis pilot,there is no moving scenery with a pilot and crates and different view points. This only occurs with axis pilots ,germany ...etc.
What do I do to correct this ?
Something is amiss in your uires folder. 3 methods to fix.

1. A reinstall

2. Utilizing the ETO Backup that you created using the backup program provided with the eto install, 1st delete the existing 5 uires folders in your install then replace all the uires folders from your backup files.

3. Using the ORIFs re-install program replace your uires folders by 1st deleting the existing uires folders in your install and then run the ORIFs program to a dummy folder and then copy and paste the 5 different uires folders to your install.

In all cases make sure that before doing anything you have your theater in default era one.
Thank tou whew is the ORFIS ?

:kilroy:Gosd, look inside the ETO main game folder for a folder named "CFS3 ETO Expansion READMEs" for a file named "ERA Files Restore Rev 1.20.rtf". DO NOT confuse this file with a file named "ERA Files Restore.rtf".

Follow the instuctions in the ERA Files Restore Rev 1.20.rtf file.

After you have deleted all the files and folders on the list in the ERA Files Restore Rev 1.20.rtf file, run the CFS3 ETO Expansion ORIFs Re-Install Rev 1.20.exe, found in the ETO main game folder. Good luck.:d
I remember when we used ta come up w/ all manner of "quick fixes".... when the average rig wuz a whole lot S l o w e r...
I am sorry to report :no success !
I did two reinstall,and one of each of the other options.
I still dont get any movement on start up with axis pilots and no german pilot.:banghead::banghead:

I tested my install when I first saw your post and I got the german ui screen and pilot when selecting a german airfield, a german pilot and a german aircraft. Are you selecting those three options? Is it only certain airfields?
OK ,Thank you for the help I have it sorted out.
In the process I have upgraded the caracters appearing in UIby modifiyng the following files:animation,caracter,country.xml,cutscenes.xml.
You change the nationalaty prefix in the cutscene file after upgrading this file from other CFS3 games.
Have fun !

I dread when people start talking reinstall when all that happened was a lack of cutscene entry. In order for that basic functions we all came to expect from the game to display properly, every airfield has to be entered. (or the ones you want) After several expansion packs, we still arent' there yet. it's tedious and people just stop adding lines. I don't know if they then forget or something, but we still haven't finished a complete cutscene file yet, for release. And to think he nuked his install because of this? Not complaining that's just the truth.

Here is the truth in this case. It was never intended to have all nationalities present at all airfields. Doesn't make historical sense to have an Axis pilot standing around ready to take off from an Allied airfield. :) ........and Squiffy the way the problem was initially described only a partial or full reinstall would have corrected the problem.


I dread when people start talking reinstall when all that happened was a lack of cutscene entry. In order for that basic functions we all came to expect from the game to display properly, every airfield has to be entered. (or the ones you want) After several expansion packs, we still arent' there yet. it's tedious and people just stop adding lines. I don't know if they then forget or something, but we still haven't finished a complete cutscene file yet, for release. And to think he nuked his install because of this? Not complaining that's just the truth.
OK, OK, it all boils down to communication. It's a lot easier to bang out a problem through consultation and posting here, than to go through a reinstall without fully understanding the problem. I am NOT claiming to be perfect, far from it! My Toko-Ri pack has issues and I'm still working on it. I dont' know, I guess I have some aversion to installation down time or something? :typing: And yes, we didnt' really expect to support the axis side in all the airfield settings and trimmings. It's all just wicked complicated!
