ETO Stuck in ERA 1 AGAIN!


Charter Member
Help! I've tried everything and can't fix ETO being stuck in ERA 1 (Windows 8 PC). I tried gosd's fix and also HairySpin's Tutorial and no luck. Also deleted everything and did a complete re-install of ETO Rev 1.0. ETO is still stuck in ERA 1. How do I fix this with a new Windows 8 PC?
Although I do not have any experience with a Win 8 system, if you haven't already watched RCAF Tailwinds series of installation video's on ETO, definitely give it a view. I had issues getting ETO to run, but after following the instructions in his video to the letter, I got ETO up and running.

Thanks for the tip --- Still have problem!

Thank you, Lt Becker! That video is good information but I still have the same problem. Windows 8 is sure different than Windows XP. I must be corrupting the ERA files in some way.
Before installing ETO you need a unmodified CFS3 install with both patches. Also CFS3 should be run at least once before installing ETO. Wouldn't be a bad idea to completely uninstall everything, do a search for Combat Flight Simulator 3 in program files(x86) and delete all files with Combat Flight Simulator 3 in the file name.
ETO Still Stuck in ERA 1

I must be making a mistake while installing ETO or there is an issue with Windows 8 PCs. It would be helpful to hear from a Windows 8 user.
Have you looked at your bach files:MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat and ETOGLSawapper.bat (in the global layer folder) both of them should be on Read-only.
Had the same problem and this gotted fixed.
I have the same issue and I have Windows XP. I just manually change the global layer files and mission folder files.
Go into the global_layer folder and change the current files to their era names; for instance global_layer.csv to 1944_global_layer.csv and gsl.lib to 1944_gsl.lib.
Then change the era files you want to global_layer.csv and gsl.lib.
In the main CFS3 folder change the missions folder the same way; for instance missions to 1944_missions and 1943_missions to missions.
Not as convenient as using the swapper, but it only takes a few seconds.
There are also era-specific uires folders but I have never changed those.

I went to try gosd's method above, but my MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat and ETOGLSwapper.bat are already set on Read-only.