ETO TigerMoth Missions by Househobbit for ET


Charter Member
ITS DONE AND OUT ********************

ETO TigerMoth Missions by Househobbit for ETO 1.40
Era 1 1936, Era 2 BOB, Era 3 1943. 1.5Mb

A 7 mission pack that shows the versatility of the classic British training aircraft. Includes HH mods for Pat Pattle’s DH82a Tiger Moth.



thanks hobbit and pat .........................please note i think in the plane , open its texture file ,,,theres the shared files in i t , to take and place separate imho in aircraft folder


will get some pics
Thanks My friend, grateful you enjoyed them..
The efforts of many went into seeing that the Tigermoth was improved and released..
I just use the work of the Masters to built this..
Grateful to the Masters, for the Free gifts..

I likes wrecking new things!
RATS!!! Need a ladder Please just got stuck in a Tree!! :icon_eek:
Nasty U-boat!!
shoot down a Tiggie!!
Not nice!!

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
Your welcome Len, I hope you enjoy these as much as I did making them.
Nasty U-boat!!
shoot down a Tiggie!!
Not nice!!

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
Your welcome Len, I hope you enjoy these as much as I did making them.

:wavey:Hey Owen! Love your missions :ernae: Is it possible to have the guns and bombs together in the loadouts?
Next time I'll arm the Tiger with bombs.:tgun2::pop4:

Notice how the explosion fxtextures are dirt? This is an annoying artifact from all the wonderful effects upgrades of the last few years. IIRC the brown "dirt" texture colour associated with explosions originated in DR textures in MAW.

It would be really good to specify a different set of explosion effects for weapons that are likely to explode on water - like depth charges, torpedos, ship guns, etc. Its a bit beyond me I suspect, something for effects gurus?

Sorry for hijacking this thread, couldn't help be struck by your screenies, Old Tiger :wavey:
Hi Daiwilletti,

the explosion for water in this case is a water splash, the dirt you can see is the bomb that hit the sub, what needs changing is in the weapons xdp file where it lists the types of effects for each instance of use. in this case the weapon is using a ground explosion effect for its generic explode effect (see below in red) most bombs have something like fx_fireball_s as the generic explode effect and then call on dirt or water effects if it hits ground or water rather than an object.

I'll change the 20lb bomb to something more suitable and upload in this thread.

regards Rob.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="" ShortName="Cooper 25lb Bomb" ModelName="DH82_25lb_bomb.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="03/01/1915" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="weapon" Country="britain" Mass="1.14"/>
<Description String="Cooper 25lb bomb"/>
<Weapon Crater="crater_3" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="586" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="401" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="100" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="35" ExplodeEffect="fx_grndexpl_s" GroundEffect="fx_grndexpl_s" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_s" Drag=".005"/>
Hi Daiwilletti,

the explosion for water in this case is a water splash, the dirt you can see is the bomb that hit the sub, what needs changing is in the weapons xdp file where it lists the types of effects for each instance of use. in this case the weapon is using a ground explosion effect for its generic explode effect (see below in red) most bombs have something like fx_fireball_s as the generic explode effect and then call on dirt or water effects if it hits ground or water rather than an object.

I'll change the 20lb bomb to something more suitable and upload in this thread.

regards Rob.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="" ShortName="Cooper 25lb Bomb" ModelName="DH82_25lb_bomb.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="03/01/1915" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="weapon" Country="britain" Mass="1.14"/>
<Description String="Cooper 25lb bomb"/>
<Weapon Crater="crater_3" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="586" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="401" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="100" WeaponType="bomb" BlastRadius="35" ExplodeEffect="fx_grndexpl_s" GroundEffect="fx_grndexpl_s" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_s" Drag=".005"/>

Thanks, Rob!

Its given me a few ideas to set up alternate bombs for anti-ship missions. Something like a_250lb_w, for example. :salute:
Hi All,

attached is a updated 25lb bomb for the tiger moth just overwrite the file in your games weapons folder. Now has a small fireball effect with debris for target hits and dirt and debris for ground strikes and a small water spash for water strikes.

regards Rob.
seal the deal all the eye-candy but whoa....the navy couldn't seal the deal on the first scout mission.....cruised around the sub til l was full of holes and the Navy @ point blank range missing again and again. Maybe that was the real deal....or just AI eccentricities.....never mind...thx for the missions! They're great!!!
Those navy gunners should get more practice or a better range finder.:isadizzy:
There is also this bismarck formation that I cannot locate aldo it's one of the goals.

Still very good missions ,thanks HH:applause:.
Yea, I had to somewhat improve the Guns on the British ships to get them to hit anything..
The Gun files are included..
But even with this the Destroyers aren't that great.
Yea, I had to somewhat improve the Guns on the British ships to get them to hit anything..
The Gun files are included..
But even with this the Destroyers aren't that great.

Yes you must ensure that your ship gun .xdps have as low a "noise" parameter as possible otherwise they can't hit a barn door! Try noise="0.01" or even lower. Also check in the ship xdp gunstation section to make sure that the guns can elevate low enough at closer range - they sometimes struggle to depress and shoot over the top.

Another idea is to go straight into the "Missions" section of the uisel.xml, and add a Missionfriendlygroundskill entry - just copy the format used for Missionenemygroundskill and make sure the friendlies have =100. I think thats the best you can do - if they can't hit anything after that, I can't think of anything alse to tweak (other than simply setting a skill="3" entry directly into the mission.xml for the requisite ground units, but I'm unsure if this has any effect).

Post some screenies of the action? :wavey: