ETO Update?


Charter Member
Sorry if this is covered in another thread but i've seen references to a Nov. ETO update. Can anyone please let me know if this is correct? thank you!
It will be avalable on the 15th. We were going to release it on the 1st then the 4th but so many new deveklopments have been created that we decided to wait till the 15th.

we will see.:costumes:

It will be avalable on the 15th. We were going to release it on the 1st then the 4th but so many new deveklopments have been created that we decided to wait till the 15th.
Very funny, mr RBP,lol. We shall see is right....ya see as things have progressed, the guys keep coming up with stuff and it is truly incredible stuff . The deadline for new additions has come and gone twice. I have to say, the wait will be more than worth it.