ETO Wish List

Pat Pattle

Hi all,

Just wondering what sort of features users would like to see in their ETO installs? Not talking aircraft here but missions, effects, scenery etc.

For me, I'd like to see the UK scenery fleshed out with landmarks (as a VFR aid).

Pat :)
German aerodromes

We need accurate Fliegerhorste und Flugplätze! I am going to make the Himmelbett w/ Mongoose.
eastern front pat.... ok, I know it's just a dream but... any news from F7A 18 Hornet? he was doing something but then, who knows... my best regarda, gianluca
I'd like to see effects of high altitude flight...some way of slurring a bit the pilot reactions and plane controls until some "oxygen" was released (through a keyboard command or such). Those effects should happen only from a certain level of altitude... Am I going wild crazy here?:banghead: (In a way it would be a "Flight Model"for the pilot also...:redf:)
missions for sure..........especially ones that feature all the goodies ETO gave us........flares, star shells, etc.......been such a treat to see the new stuff!!! Muchas.............GAW
Hi Pat,
good topic. What I am noticing is my sounds.xml does not have the variety I would like. It sounds like it has only the stock AI aircraft sounds, so when you listen to your wingmen or enemy a/c using target view, they sound like sick lawn mowers :d

When I get the time I will take a look-see to see if I can port over sounds into the ETO Expansion
the airbases came out so well,thank you and i assume squiffy also. maybe we could have some photo realistic major cities and some decent smaller cities and towns.and with the lighting effects,lit buildings,street lights etc.more realistic bridges that also can be flowen under.oh yea,that also blow up.
Is there a such mission yet that would consist of providing aerial support for tanks or troops?
missions for sure..........especially ones that feature all the goodies ETO gave us........flares, star shells, etc.......been such a treat to see the new stuff!!! Muchas.............GAW

You said it.

more Missions, Especially more historically accurate missions.
I would like to see water on windshield of planes. during rain storms and will shooting the water and flying through it.
Not sure the windshield effect are possible. For me, and maybe I'm old fashioned, I would like a low res set of facilities like the docks, airfields and towns so they will run more quickly on older machines. it just seems silly to waste our framerates on quantity, when the quality has improved so much with the expansion. Also maybe a standard replacement set for the AvHistory flightmodels or the updates to the stock aircraft. When installing off of my unmodded 3.1, the stock fms are just aweful. It'd me nice to have the best fms get installed there automatically.
...or the updates to the stock aircraft. When installing off of my unmodded 3.1, the stock fms are just aweful. It'd me nice to have the best fms get installed there automatically.

That's an idea, why not have them come 'Mudponded', I did that to mine in the old install. Make a helluva difference.

Ive been trying to add the Firepower lighting effect to ETO which illuminates the cockpit when flak explodes. Ive had no luck.....would be anice addition! I will never ask for anything more! :mixedsmi:

Your suggestion/ desire has been heard, lots of good things coming from O-1 Driver's creative talents.

Ive been trying to add the Firepower lighting effect to ETO which illuminates the cockpit when flak explodes. Ive had no luck.....would be anice addition! I will never ask for anything more! :mixedsmi:
German 37mm AA

I think this German 37mm AA was on Clive's wish list. The shells look like golf balls when you see them coming up at you. Wait till you see these babies whiz past your cockpit at night. Gut check time when you fly against a target and see several of these guns shooting at you. :d

We need accurate Fliegerhorste und Flugplätze! I am going to make the Himmelbett w/ Mongoose. well as Lorient in France for Ted's Ju88C-6's of V/KG 40 to have a home. Most of the other KG 40 bases are there, this would be the cherry on the cake!

.....oh, oh and smoke floats and sea flares to fill out CC aircrafts loadouts,, an Leigh lights for the Wellie Marine (and Lib).

This is just like my kids Christmas list.

.....oh, oh and smoke floats and sea flares to fill out CC aircrafts loadouts,, an Leigh lights for the Wellie Marine (and Lib).

Well we have flares and smoke, just not water based at the moment and possibly an answer to the leigh light. It seems to me that, due to Steves unceasing and fantastic effects development if you can think about it, it can be done! But don't pester him yet he's working on other wonderful stuff at the moment!


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That's ok Pat, I'll just try out the PFF flares on water and see what 'appens, mmm now what colour?
