ETO_Bf109_SCW fuselage markings


Charter Member
When in QC with the ETO_Bf109_SCW as enneny planes the side markings on the fuselage are british unless you state in the .xdp file Germany as the country even if Spain_Nationalists is an Axis country.
Is there a way arround this in order to have markings on the fuselage with Spain_Nationalists as the country?
I meant: Is there a way arround this in order to have german markings on the fuselage with Spain_Nationalists as the country?:dizzy:
Probably means someone has stuffed up the mos file.

No, they haven't - just checked. The mos file calls for German noseart, but no other markings. As there is no SCW Nationalists noseart available, it can't call on that, so why it is calling on British noseart, I do not know. Probably because when CFS3 doesn't know what else to do, it defaults to Britain as the active nationality. Or at least, mine does. We have a good relationship, you see...

You could always just delete the reference to noseart in the mos file.
Probably means someone has stuffed up the mos file
You could always just delete the reference to noseart in the mos file.

Deleting the reference to noseart in the mos file did the trick . Thanks !:encouragement: