ETO_Bf110c6 nose cannon flashes


Well while testing and altering the ETO_Bf110c6 fro the EROP210 version, I notice that, (besides irritating machine gun tracer squares :banghead:) the right or starboard nose cannon is not showing any gun flash.

Looking at the xdp I also noticed that one cannon had 0 rounds

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon1" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon2" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="0"/>

Now I changed that but still didn't notice any gun flash on the right nose cannon.
Any ideas?
Could be something is missing or wrong type in effects.xml so it didn't load the texture or the texture required is missing in fxtextures folder
IF all is coded correctly in the xdp.....

...then it may be that the gun_grp#b# node in the mesh is missing or coded differently. Often authors use just gun_grp0b0 and gun_grp0b1, so that there is only a need for one entry in the xdp. 240 rounds of 103 for both guns seems a bit high so maybe it needs only the one entry, the top one. Not sure that this would make a difference but it might. I always used a different naming convention the one adopted by the 1% folks eons ago: gun_grp0b0 and gun_grp1b0, so two gun groups but only one barrel per group, while the former has one group with two barrels (CFS3 used this) - what ever tickles your fancy.:sentimental:
I took a look into the model m3d what Ive got from James with hexeditor and the file contents such nodes:


the xdp says:

<GunStation ID="0"/>
<GunStation ID="1"/>
<GunStation ID="2"/>
<GunStation ID="3"/>
<GunStation ID="4"/>
<GunStation ID="5"/>

so, maybe to add <GunStation ID="6"/> could help, I didnt tried.

what is the curent gun node position could say CFS3 m3dview editor maybe, if that will not crash - as it is happen to me very often :)

Since they are numbered 0-6, there are 7 stations, this may be the issue....:banghead:
So I thought I would look at the ETO_bf110c4 which has the same gun layout. With it I got flashes on both cannon ports. I looked at the xdp and the difference was the cannons

The C4

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_MG_FF" Name="Nose Cannon1" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_MG_FF" Name="Nose Cannon2" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>

the C6

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon1" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon2" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="0"/>

When I swapped in the C4 cannon ionto the C6, I got flashes on both ports.

I should add that both had GunStation ID's 0-5 even with 4 MGs 2 cannon and the rear guns so that is not an issue IMO.

Next, I'll have a look at some other aircraft using the AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103
Well so far I can't find another aircraft using the AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103 but I also looked at the BoB_110c6_EG210 which is basically the ETO version BUT it had with the same issue; only the left cannon port flashing.:dizzy:

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="20mmMGFF_gun" Name="Nose Cannon1" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="20mmMGFF_gun" Name="Nose Cannon2" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="0"/>
I forgot to mention that the BoB_110c6_EG210 and the ETO_Bf110c6 have the same issue but different cannons: the 20mmMGFF_gun and AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103. Using the AvHistory_gr_gun_MG_FF solves the problem but doesn't actually tell me if this is a aircraft issue or (less likely) a weapon issue? Although, if it was an aircraft issue I would sort have suspected the AvHistory_gr_gun_MG_FF also not to work.:dizzy:
You could check the gunstations using the m3d view in cfs3? Nowadays I set it up as a shortcut with all my installs - together with shortcuts for config, Mission builder, etc so you can imagine how cluttered my desktop gets!
Yeah I should. I have all throse short cuts for about 8 installs but separated into 4 folders?:mixed-smiley-010: One has to be careful with mb as it seems to go to whatever the last install/era one was dealing with.
Hi All,

its an issue with the system ID name in the aircraft xdp file. its calling for cannon for both, where it should be calling for left and right cannons. this entry will fix your issue.

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="left_cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon1" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="right_cannon" Tracer="33" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gr_gun_Mk103" Name="Nose Cannon2" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".8" MaxAmmo="240"/>

Although you may wish to drop the ammo count a bit, it looks like the original was using 240 combined for both so maybe change it to 120 for each gun.

regards Rob.