

Down loaded House Hobbit's D-Day mission pack and I get error msg's on some missions looking for this Fw-190. I don't see it in Warbirds library.....any ideas where it can be had?
It was included as part of the ETO package.

ETO standalone FW190 A-8

This is a standalone of the beautifal Fw190 A-8 by Jon Pratt. It will not conflict with any other Fw190's produced by Jon or any of the authorised standalones available from places such as SIMOUTHOUSE. it has unique naming convention for models, texures and the supplied fuel tank.

It has had AvHistory weapons added in place of the stock weapons called for by Jons original plane. It has an historically correct description file added to the xdp file, and correct specifications listed in the xdp file for viewing in game.

This plane includes Jons Updated VC files.

Model by Jon (Dancat) Pratt

Texture by John (Bravo/4)Whelan.

adaptation to ETO by Rob (Capt winters) Stevenson.

Flight Model By: Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson
Three Aces
4/27/04 09:38 PM
Flight Model Workbook V2.85.06

original readme file

This is FREEWARE only and should not be sold or hosted by any site other than SOH unless I upload it there. The skin is by Bravo/4 and was uploaded at SOH separately with 3 other skins he did for this plane. Thanks!

Jon Pratt (Dancat)