ETO_Spit_MkIa and ETO_Spit_54_40


While redoing some missions by replacing BoB or AH/Fs versions with ETO versions purely by using "Replace" in notepad, I discovered an issue.
I started with using ETO_Spit_MkIa but bothe the game and mission builder rejected it. It seems therre maybe a conflict with ETO_Spit_54_40. The xdps refer to the same thing and even though the model names are different as well as the other names, I just can't get ETO_Spit_MkIa accepted. ???:dizzy:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="ETO_Spit_MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire_1a_54_1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_MkIa.m3d"


<General Allegience="0" LongName="Spitfire MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire MkIa 54 1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_54_40.m3d"
What does it reference at the top of the Aircraft.cfg file in each folder?

[fltsim.0]title = ETO_Spit_MkIasim = ETO_Spit_MkIamodel = ETO_Spit_MkIa


[fltsim.0]title = ETO_Spit_54_40sim = ETO_Spit_54_40model = ETO_Spit_54_40

In fact I don't think the former is showing up in QC either.
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Problem solved. Partly due to the xdp file internal naming which somehow differnt from original ETO install. Other issue is by putting multiple editions of the same model into one install one gets problems of duplication in certain files!