While redoing some missions by replacing BoB or AH/Fs versions with ETO versions purely by using "Replace" in notepad, I discovered an issue.
I started with using ETO_Spit_MkIa but bothe the game and mission builder rejected it. It seems therre maybe a conflict with ETO_Spit_54_40. The xdps refer to the same thing and even though the model names are different as well as the other names, I just can't get ETO_Spit_MkIa accepted. ???
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="ETO_Spit_MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire_1a_54_1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_MkIa.m3d"
<General Allegience="0" LongName="Spitfire MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire MkIa 54 1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_54_40.m3d"
I started with using ETO_Spit_MkIa but bothe the game and mission builder rejected it. It seems therre maybe a conflict with ETO_Spit_54_40. The xdps refer to the same thing and even though the model names are different as well as the other names, I just can't get ETO_Spit_MkIa accepted. ???

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="ETO_Spit_MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire_1a_54_1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_MkIa.m3d"
<General Allegience="0" LongName="Spitfire MkIa" ShortName="Spitfire MkIa 54 1940" ModelName="ETO_Spit_54_40.m3d"