
I'll try it out and let you know.

Edit: I note I don't have that mission. where did you get it from?
Its from a package called Nachtjagdgeshwader1_1941_part 1. (7missions)
I don't know who the author is.


I loaded the Mission set and had 2 missions not load. Mission #2 did not load because of missing aircraft "stirling_ai.

I loaded the SOH British "Short_Stirling and the Mission loaded.

Mission #7 had the same aircraft required as Mission #2.

It did not load so I used the Mission Builder in ETO and it noted that it did not recognize facility " w40_ aa_20mm."

I checked my file and the facility is one of the originals?

I then tried the facility "w40_flak_20mm" as a replacement in the Mission but it did not load.

The ETO Mission Builder said it did not recognize the facility "w40_flak_20mm."

Now it is my mystery?
missions Njg1_1941_mission#5,Njg1_1941_mission#6 and Njg1_1941_mission#7 use this facility
All load fine with me except #7. As most of the others use similar facilities spawns and ai ac, I changed the player formation to eto_ju88c-6_lr and it worked.
I also reduced the formation to 2 ac as NJ rarely flew in more than pairs; often singly at intervals.
I have not checked what's wrong with the ju88c-4_r4fm yet

rvafmad, see above re what the stirling ac should be.
Got it working; replaced the "!stirling_ai" with "ETO_Stirling_ai" afther making sure this plane was in my aircraft folder.
Opened the mission in Mission Builder and saved the mission replacing the original one with the one in MB.

And Voila! Everything started working, did not have to change the " ju88c-4_r4fm" for "ETO_JU88C-4"
provided you have the AvH_GR_JU88C-4_R4FM folder in the aircraft folder.
I can't find any AvH aircraft called AvH_GR_JU88C-4_R4FM in all my installs.:dizzy: I do have AvH_JU88C-4_R4FM_t under textures in the ETO_JU88C-4 folder??
I think my issue is that I didn't transfer over the MAW ones to ETOTOW install so I forgot I did in fact have all. Plus I think mine are AvH prefixes not ETO. In any case Ted, a good reminder of these.
BTW what's up with your new girlfriend or friends??:jump:
I built these missions felas. Sorry if you are facing problems. Indeed several planes were downloaded from RegHangars website and are pretty old, but nice thanks to nachtpiloten´s great job! :encouragement:
Thank you Igoncalv for these missions they are great:encouragement:.
This set was called Nachtjagdeshwader1 1947 patr1 did you make any other?