Everything was going fine until I installed 1.50 then..FUBAR


Charter Member
I printed out all of the install instructions and followed them line-by-line. Starting ETO after each upgrade, in a couple of different Era's, to make sure things were cool. After I installed 1.50 (coping and running the .bat file, performing the install in the correct folder, running the BDP Zapper, copying the new shortcuts to my desktop, removing the usual files from my appdata file) I went to start ETO as usual and got a error msg "Windows cannot find CFS3.exe". What?? Disc #2 in the DVD drive, the desktop shortcut points to the right folder, cfs.exe is in the main game folder. I clicked on the cfs.exe in the game folder, it started up, the visual page ERA 1 said 1.50. I ran the game and shut it down. Tried again, Spawns opt 1, ERA 3, game starts now only in ERA 1?? Any ideas on what went wrong and how I can repair this install, or easier to Nuke It :pop4: and start over?

Really need some assistance or Chemical support :dizzy:

Then there is Microsoft Update KB 3086255 that prevents the CD Check required for the game to run. (It blocks the scrdrv.sys service from ever running)
ETO 1.50 not found...Check these two .bat files

Hey Guys, many thanks for the replies. I found this post from BOBC at: aussiex.org/forum/ETO 1.4 working then ETO 1.5 correct bat install sees CFS3.exe not found

"Turns out the instructions are missing a bunch of steps for 64 bit Operating Systems,

as discovered over at Sim Outhouse,. can the instructions be added to a.s.a.p PLEASE.

either say follow video for win7 64bit install , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaeCYsrLI2k
and the part users will need starts at 7:09 so as to copy to clipboard for multiple use and accuracy, the special x86 address of Program Files for 64bit , or run it from 4:25 though I found the MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat address was ok and had the x86 address. No harm in checking though :encouragement:.

Or add the following to the instructions (my wording as follows, edit it to suit !) :-
If after install of ETO 1.5, if the game wont run from the ETO Start desktop icon, 64bit users should check the following:-
Go to your Games Folder that you browsed to for the 1.5 install, most likely the Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion folder.
Find the MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat file and single click it and in your preview pane see if it shows the Program Files (x86) address, if so all is good there,
If you have no preview pane then right click it, select properties and untick read only, ok that then right click it again and select edit , cancel out if all is ok address wise for Program Files (x86)
if not see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaeCYsrLI2k for install ETO 1.0 at 4:25 into the footage.
Then scroll up to Global Layer folder and open it, single click the ETOGLSwapper.bat and the chances are it does not have the Program Files (x86) address
Follow instructions in either the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaeCYsrLI2k from 4:25 onwards, the part that deals with this file is at 7:53 or follow the instructions in the readme for ETO 1.0

It may be that the author of the instructions can word this better and add the appropriate steps at the appropriate time during the install, as this no doubt needs doing before the sim is run !


Both of my above .bat files, MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat and ETOGLSwapper.bat had the wrong game folder installed (C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Games), I had to edit them to C:\ Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Games; Just as we did in the ETO 1.0 instructions (If you are running Win-7). Hope this helps others having similar problems with upgrading from 1.40 (Hot patch) to 1.50. The quote from BOBC I posted is found on page 2 of the discussion forum referenced above.


"Meine Ehre Heibt Treue"
Last edited:
Sorry for the post....

Hey Everybody,
I apologize for wasting time and space with this post. I did not realize that the Forum View box at the bottom of the main CFS3 Forum page is set to default "Last Month" of posts. Had I known that I was able to manually adjust the setting to go back in time to 2 Months, I would have found the answer to my problem. Apparently, even doing a "Search" (under the login) only checks the pages displayed. Live and learn, I guess. Thanks again to those who responded, and those who read my post; and again sorry for the waste of your time and SOH space.


Molon Lave