ExcBuilder and Windows 7


Charter Member
G'day all

Just a query - has anyone had any success using ExcBuilder for FS9 in Windows 7. I used it to good effect on my old XP machine, but in my current installation in Windows 7 I get a "Error communicating with FSConnect" message (or something to that effect) when I try to import the lat & long. The FSConnect dll is there where it should be in the modules folder.
Any help would be appreciated as always.


I just downloaded and installed FSConnect V3 from Flightsim.com and loaded it into my modules folder. Loaded FS9 and initiated ExcBuilder and tried it at my home field, and got a good connection. Using Win 7 Home.
Thanks modelr. After hearing that it can indeed be done I played around a bit more and then it dawned on me - I tried running ExcBuilder as Administrator and sure enough it worked!

