Experimenting With BATC & AI Traffic


Went ahead and tried BeyondATC (BATC) and so far, I think it's a keeper. Most certainly light years ahead of the default AI traffic and ATC. Feeling through the setup and first flight, so I'm not sure I'm doing everything completely right.

The ATC window is user friendly and has lots of info. More options available for info you can get from the tower.

First flight was from SBRJ.

When I finshed that flight I went to see how a couple of other airports looked.

It looks like it tries to handle some GA traffic, but it had issues with a couple of textures showing up purple. When taking off from SBRJ, one aircraft made an insane landing approach, but the BATC folks do say this is still a work in progress.

I did have a hard time understanding the lady in the tower at SBRJ. :)

Nothing fancy in this set up, Just the basic BATC program and a free Simbrief account.

They seem to be very secretive about the price of this product. I can't find any details about pricing even on their own website - you have to download the program first to find out the price. Red flags all over it. Absolutely NO chance.
I was a bit leery myself, but when it gets to the pricing page, you can back out.

I bought the base version for $29.99, which I thought was very reasonable. There are some add-ons available that give you access to the beta branch, and more voice acting. But the base version seems to have all of the features, with just less localized voices & accents.

One important note about the AI aircraft models. BATC needs a 3rd party set of models to work with. Currently in the "Traffic Model Matching" options setting, it has "FSTL, AIG, & FSTraffic".

Until it handles GA and militarily traffic I am not interested. I don’t fly airliners, and I mostly fly into regional GA airports.
I understand that completely. I very rarely fly anything larger and more modern than the Connie & DC-6 for tubeliners, but I like seeing airliners when I land at the larger airports. The GA traffic in 2024 looks so much better than earlier versions, but their whacky behavior isn't right yet, so I'll settle for populated airliners for now.

I am going to try the GA traffic mod over at FlightsimTO tomorrow and see if it works with 2024, at least until we see if MSFS 2024 AI traffic issues get fixed. BTW That traffic mod also adds some military traffic.

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Untill M$/A$obo get the traiffic right, I'll be diabling it.

I want to get to learn this sim, and the traffic and ATC are a distraction.

Untill M$/A$obo get the traiffic right, I'll be diabling it.

I want to get to learn this sim, and the traffic and ATC are a distraction.

I decided against that GA mod from FlightsimTO. Now just weighing out whether it's too soon to keep going with BATC vs just shutting all the AI and ATC down completely again.

BYATC yin the base package does deliver good ATC which is largely consistent with the applicable national rules.
The base comes with 50000 premium voice characters, which do make ATC sound even more like you are flying in different regions.
If you fly mostly in FAA / CAA airspace you won’t miss a thing not using them. And even without the premium voices you still get local sounding controllers including perpetually annoyed French ATC that don’t want to speak English…. Just like in real life.

It doesn’t do VFR flights at this point, but typical GA IFR operations are modeled quite well. Though it is clearly catering more to the JET-A burning crowd.