experiments on scale


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A small 'bit' on the subject of scale (of your opponent in CFS 1)
When FS98 comes on it is at zoom factor '1'
when CFS1 comes on it is at zoom factor '0.5'
well what does this mean?
It means that FS98 comes on as you would see it,but CFS1 comes on
slightly fisheyed -meaning you have a wider field of view of the north
south east and west (sort of peripheral vision )-but the stuff in the
middle is smaller-ie.--your AI opponent!!

To overcome this microsoft devised their 'magic scale' ie. the
stock plane displays at normal size in free flight and chase mode
but when it is used as an AI opponent it is drawn double size
ie. double size through the gunsight.
(regretfully to me normal AF99 models in combat mode is a bit like
'magic scale'aircraft can now be made by af99 +a bit of hexediting
(idealy you should have the afx)
papingo....there could be more......
Hello Papingo,

So which is better? To have views that leave no blind spots or views that show a larger target but also leave blind spots?
Is the Hex Editor fix for double sizing models the one that involves pasting SCASM code into a P-51D shell?
Personally I have never liked that idea very much even though it cures a lot of animation issues.

Will be looking forward to the next entry....

- Ivan.

dear Ivan......
I'm now flying at 'normal' 0.5 zoom -so no blind spots.
I don't fly at super-zoom (0.78 ) any more
the .mdl is derived from C.confronti's empty.mdl
my first expertments were with the stock Tempest then
put into C.confronti's empty.mdl.
I've made a magic scale af99 Texan (with a zero .dp
by'Pettit') and T6 .air file (modded to have 750hp)
strangely this seems quite lively.
I had to hex a variable to cure stopped prop.(in .mdl file)
By the way I've had a slight heart attack 5 weeks ago now.
they kept me in hospital for 6 days
I may put the 2x Texan as an attachment.(the guns ar'nt right)
Hello Papingo,

Are you feeling reasonably well these days? Do recover quickly!

Instead of doing your Texan as an attachment to this thread where it will certainly get lost in time, why not upload it as a CFS aircraft?

I have never thought much about how agile the T-6 / SNJ was but it really should not be bad.
Any thoughts on converting it to a P-64?

I am still not quite sure what to make of the Double Size magic scaling. Unless the scenery behind is also scaled up, you may get some real silly stuff when someone you are chasing ends up near the ground or near buildings....
Are you leading up to any proposal of standards?

- Ivan.
well some ideas

well its not worth putting on any site...it,s just test stuff.
perhaps it could be that you make a normal and 2X model-optimised
for use as AI plane.
There could be 'oddities' eg--a 2x model landing on a normal scale

the old skin trouble takes some working with now.
maybe it is the case that the small AF99 opponents have put folks off of of cfs1??
My ambition is to make cfs1 better in quick combat mode like what you would see
in gun camera footage
I always fly with a small(5cm) extra padlock view in botton left corner with a bit
of zoom this has improved cfs significantly
typed in library

i have to say,
i'm much more concerned
with your current health issues.
be well soon, my friend.
dear smilo
thanks a lot for your concern
If I do 'pop my clogs' please don't send flowers
coz I suffer from hay fever.
p.s. are you doing anything interesting (in cfs1)