Explanation about "speed"


Hi all,

Why there is the difference between "Max speed"

* Weight: 4638 lbs Max 6500 lbs
* Power: 1000 hp MIL 1175 hp WEP
* 6.0g Corner speed: 207 mph
* Max speed @ SL: 290 mph
* Max speed: 345 mph @ 16198 ft
* Climb rate: 3100 ft/min @ 150 mph
Flight Model By: Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson
12/31/03 02:36 PM
Flight Model Workbook V2.83.58
Damage Model Workbook Version 2.23
<Moving MinSpeed="45" MaxSpeed="130" CruiseSpeed="93" GroupSize="1" Type="0"/>

Thank you for your answer.
The MinSpeed and MaxSpeed values are in metres per second and they don't actually have any meaning for the player, I believe they have something to do with how the CFS3 engine handles AI formations over long distances, warping and such.
Some more questions about CruiseSpeed.
In cfs3 what is the relation between the Max speed in the description string, and the Moving MinSpeed,MaxSpeed and CruiseSpeed. All these have different values and if I edith in the .xdp file the CruiseSpeed to the value stated in the model description the plane overspeeds in QC when started in flight and crahes.
Cruise speed is the speed you start at in qc. Min. And max speeds is assume are used by the ai somehow. The values in the description string have no meaning to the sim at all. That is the text that appears in the description window in the menu.
I believe that the MaxSpeed entry does have an influence on how the engine performance is interpreted. Straight and level flight at 100% engine setting will top out at the MaxSpeed value. Other engine settings are scaled down from there.
I've done quite a bit adjusting the top speed of several aircraft to get them right at all altitudes and never had to adjust that value, it's all in the CFG and air files.
Have you tried playing arround with the CruisingSpeed above a certain value when in qc you get a over speed message and the plane starts getting over speed damage even if you are well under the maximum speed value ?
The overspeed warning speed is set by a value in the .air file. If the cruise speed is higher than that value then you will get the result you describe.
The overspeed warning speed is set by a value in the .air file. If the cruise speed is higher than that value then you will get the result you describe.

Thanks for these explanations, gecko. It seems like there are a lot of "artifacts" in vehicle and aircraft xdps, which did not have effect in the version of CFS3 that was released. For example, one or two stock vehicles have a cfg file.