Hi Paul!
I was searching for you, and had not realized you left avsim. Anywho, maybe you can shed some light on this issue. The exterior model shadowing seems to be quite glitchy and jumps around a lot, especially when panning around in spot view or panning around with trackIR. Is this just a limitation of FSX, or is there away to mitigate this somewhat. It seems much worse in dx10. Any solutions in the fixer?
I was searching for you, and had not realized you left avsim. Anywho, maybe you can shed some light on this issue. The exterior model shadowing seems to be quite glitchy and jumps around a lot, especially when panning around in spot view or panning around with trackIR. Is this just a limitation of FSX, or is there away to mitigate this somewhat. It seems much worse in dx10. Any solutions in the fixer?