Extra Sounds in CFS3 Battle of Britain


Charter Member
I have extra sounds in CFS3 Battle of Britain. There is continuous air traffic chatter. It sounds like you are listening to Air Traffic Control directing many aircraft.

This extra chatter is similar to what is in "CFS3 1940 CHARLIE" version of CFS3?

How do I delete these extra sounds?
The easiest way is to remove the 'British' and 'German' folders from your cfs3/sounds folder. Have not tried this myself!
Extra Sounds still in Campaign Mode

Thank You Pat. I removed the British and German sounds. Flew one Historical mission with no extra sounds. Then flew a Campaign mission and the extra sounds (air traffic conversation) is still there but not as much.

Is there a way to completely eliminate this unwanted conversation?
Open the aircraft xdp files and if you see either of these entries near the bottom, delete it.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_chatterB" PosX="0.00" PosY="0.00" PosZ="0.00" MinVel="90" MaxVel="100"/>

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_chatterG" PosX="0.00" PosY="0.00" PosZ="0.00" MinVel="90" MaxVel="100"/>
Extra Sounds still in Campaign Mode and Quick Combat

I deleted one line in the Player Aircraft's xdp file. I still have the extra sounds. I flew in Quick Combat and Campaign and have Air Traffic Control conversations in both.

Do I have to Delete this from every aircraft in the aircraft folder?
Afraid so! The BoB install was put together with the radio chatter mod as a feature of it. I have made a few changes since it was released and it is less radom now.
Extra Sounds still in Campaign Mode

Pat: THANK YOU for your help. Of the 15 Aircraft in the Allied Campaign only three had the "Extra Sounds" in their xdp files: BoB_def_mki, BoB_spit_609, and BoB_huri_017.

I deleted the xdp file lines in these three aircraft. There are 77 total aircraft in the Aircraft folder.
Extra Sounds still in Campaign Mode

In addition to these three aircraft there are five more that have "Extra Sounds": BoB_huri_257, BoB_huri_303, BoB_Spit_54, BoB_spit_72, and BoB_spit_mkia.

Extra Sounds Still in CFS3 Battle of Britain

The extra sounds are still in CFS3 Battle of Britain. This continuous chatter has nothing to do with the current mission or campaign. It sounds like an airfield control tower or air traffic control center giving instructions to many aircraft.

Is there any other way to reduce or delete these sounds?
Somethings very odd here! In your facilities folder remove the b_landing and g_landing files. If you have them remove the b_takeoff and g_takeoff as well. There may be files with the same name in the vehicles folder too, remove them as well. I'm guessing that they're spawning randomly in the campaign - something I've never come across.

If that doesn't do it, you have ghosts in your install! :onthego:


Extra Sounds Still in CFS3 Battle of Britain

Pat: I removed Facility Files "b_landing" and "g_landing". The Extra Sounds are still there. The conversations start immediately after clicking "FLY", even before Engine Start. VERY STRANGE.

As you say, a CFS3 "GHOST". I will just have to ignore it. Thank You for your help!