Ez-scenery crashes FS9 to desktop when trying to add objects


I've had a problem with ez scenery crashing fs9 to the desktop whenever I click "Add" or "Open scenery" on the interface after placing scenery objects in the simulator.

I've tried all I could, uninstalling the two last known sceneries that I made, that made no difference so reinstalled them and removed the known bgl files last created with ez scenery, no difference, also tried removing the Sbuilder VTPP files that I knew was building at the same time for these sceneries, no difference, uninstalled EZ Scenery and reinstalled, I've tried all I could do, none made any difference. I've come here as a last resort after trying everything I could think of.

One thing, it requires me to register with the key every time I run ez scenery. This happens because I've got Windows 10. Then it will run normally. I've had no problem with it till now. Some time ago I had a windows 10 update which meant I can now see the planes in the preview panel in full screen mode, before that it was a black panel so it had to be in windowed mode to see them.

After that update ez ecenery still worked though. However it started not long after that. I'm wondering if there is something missing, it seems like ez scenery can't find the FS scenery folders so it crashes to the desktop when I want to add a scenery object while in game. It feels like something is missing in between for Ez scenery to work properly to add the objects. I don't know how it got to be like this.

Maybe it could be something to do with the BGL compiler? If so where should it be?

Has anyone had this happen to them, and what was the solution? I looked up on the net for answers but none fitted my situation. I know EZ scenery is quite a few years old, but it still works very well. If it still doesn"t work I'll have to look for another scenery utility like Instant Scenery for example. Hopefully I can get Ez scenery to work again without having to go down that track.
Thanks much Pete...that must be it - windows dot net files and C++ files. I installed these files when I got my new w10 pc, Windows 10 was missing some things that I had to find and install for some FS things to work properly.

The C++ files seem to have gone, couldn't find them, must have happened after that windows update. What version of net files and C++ files would I need? A particular one or all versions?

Instant scenery looks a lot more interesting too...it probably needs these runtime files to run too?
Pete, thanks. Lots of reading and then go look for the downloads. *sigh*

I looked in my x86 program files, the c++ and .net files arent there. They were there before, I remember installing them. but not now. Must have gone after that update.

Darren, I haven't started yet, just need a bit of time to work through the woods till I'm out of it.
EZ scenery still isn't working so I've given up on it and will get Instant Scenery instead. Just tried the demo and it works and has more features plus it can be used in FSX as well. Thanks to those who have helped.