F-16 update out+ sniper pod !!


Latest Update: 2022/11/30

The below log shows all updates for this product since release:

- Reflections inside canopy improved
- SNIPER pod added
- Pylon visibility errors corrected
- Exhaust nozzle covers corrected
- Computational Fluid Dynamics added to flight model

I'm still showing the latest as ...0.8.0 in the SimMarket app. Maybe it takes a day or two for it to get the latest version...
Installed the newest update and now the CFT's do not show up on the C or D models when you add the weight to their respective selection. This worked previously to this update so I'm not sure what's going on with this.

Anyone else having this issue?
Beautiful work as usual Zsolt!I didn't see in the notes if the exhaust nozzle is animated yet. Kind of a big thing to me.
Beautiful work as usual Zsolt!I didn't see in the notes if the exhaust nozzle is animated yet. Kind of a big thing to me.

Unfortunately it's not perfect either, but maybe one day
I brought the SniperXR pod to the attention of the publisher
At the time they said it wasn't the most important...
The CFT tanks have been removed as the vast majority of people didn't want them on the C/D models and they show up in Multiplayer quite a lot. SNIPER pod was added due to Zsolt's requests. Exhaust petals are not quite right yet but I now understand the reason so they will soon be able to animate fully in the same way as those on the F-15C Eagle.

There are so many requests for this, that and everything these days that I realise that I cannot please everybody. Therefore, I just have to go with the majority vote on most issues otherwise I'll be going round in circles changing things all the time :)
The CFT tanks have been removed as the vast majority of people didn't want them on the C/D models and they show up in Multiplayer quite a lot. SNIPER pod was added due to Zsolt's requests. Exhaust petals are not quite right yet but I now understand the reason so they will soon be able to animate fully in the same way as those on the F-15C Eagle.

There are so many requests for this, that and everything these days that I realise that I cannot please everybody. Therefore, I just have to go with the majority vote on most issues otherwise I'll be going round in circles changing things all the time :)

The CFT tanks have been removed as the vast majority of people didn't want them on the C/D models and they show up in Multiplayer quite a lot. SNIPER pod was added due to Zsolt's requests. Exhaust petals are not quite right yet but I now understand the reason so they will soon be able to animate fully in the same way as those on the F-15C Eagle.There are so many requests for this, that and everything these days that I realise that I cannot please everybody. Therefore, I just have to go with the majority vote on most issues otherwise I'll be going round in circles changing things all the time :)
Thank you for affirming you're aware and working to add the animation later.
The CFT tanks have been removed as the vast majority of people didn't want them on the C/D models and they show up in Multiplayer quite a lot. SNIPER pod was added due to Zsolt's requests. Exhaust petals are not quite right yet but I now understand the reason so they will soon be able to animate fully in the same way as those on the F-15C Eagle. There are so many requests for this, that and everything these days that I realise that I cannot please everybody. Therefore, I just have to go with the majority vote on most issues otherwise I'll be going round in circles changing things all the time :)

I get it, I do. I co-designed the MAIW AI F-16 models so I'm well aware of all the variations that can exist in the F-16 fleet and all the requests that come along with designing any model these days. Shame about the CFT's, I thought that was a really nice feature of the models but I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps you will put them back in some day. One can hope! :)
The CFT tanks have been removed as the vast majority of people didn't want them on the C/D models and they show up in Multiplayer quite a lot. SNIPER pod was added due to Zsolt's requests. Exhaust petals are not quite right yet but I now understand the reason so they will soon be able to animate fully in the same way as those on the F-15C Eagle.

There are so many requests for this, that and everything these days that I realise that I cannot please everybody. Therefore, I just have to go with the majority vote on most issues otherwise I'll be going round in circles changing things all the time :)

Following on the thread of the CFTs, could you possibly add separate aircraft types with them permanently displayed? IE F-16C, F-16C w/ CFTs, F-16D, F-16D w/ CFTs? Then people can still select that model if desired and multiplayer visibility would be consistent.
With the addition of the Sniper and the upcoming petal movement fix, it's been a big step forward. I would ask again for the possibility of having AIM-9s under the wings, as I see in the majority of USAF F-16C images.
I'm obviously not a developer, but I don't think a lot of programming work is necessary since the Sidewinders are already present.
Thanks to DC1973 for listening and satisfying users as much as possible.