F-18, F-15, or ? Can't relocate it.

Navy Chief

Senior Member
A few days ago, on one of the MSFS forums I belong to, I swear I saw that someone had ported either a F-18, or maybe a F-15? The external model looked great, and so did the VC, although (as is typical) most, if not all, the gauges did not work. Still, it looked nice. Now I can find that post.

Anyone else here see it? Thanks, NC
Think both the Iris and MilViz F-15s can be converted - but anything relying on MFDs isn't really worth the effort as they don't work...older models are much more rewarding.

Here is a cockpit video of landing the Cougar at KSAN, almost all the gauges work (one gauge on the coaming is U/S, the machmeter and engine gauges are out of calibration)
Even the weapon switches work as intended and select external stores.
The flight model is not as good as a native MSFS plane...but it's beautiful...landing was pretty ropey, partly my fault - too high and kept speedbrakes out to keep speed down, so not by the book.

Conversion was pretty simple, I'd be happy to work it through.



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